Apis cerana indica. Sonali knew that was Latin for “Indian honeybee.” “Shehed ki makhi” in Urdu. But in her own...
“I can’t believe you let Maryam have internet in her room,” Joanne said. She gripped the steering wheel of her car with her left hand as...
The death toll from riots that have enraged the streets of Dhaka for over a month has risen to 61. Fresh set of protests were sparked...
Action Alert March 30, 2013 will mark 10 years that Dr. Aafia Siddiqui has been engulfed in an unending regime of brutal political imprisonment. As part...
Cross-posted from http://thehumblei.com/2013/02/23/the-big-freeze-are-you-enclosed-in-a-cage-of-ice/ A well-known hadith states: al-dunya sijn al-mu’min wa jannat al-kafir – ‘The world is a prison for the believer and a paradise for the disbeliever.’[1] Another...
What’s going on in Syria is horror beyond description. In these dire times, we turn to the Qurʾān for answers. Here are some reflections from our...
by Imam Abu Laith Luqman Ahmad who blogs at http://imamluqman.wordpress.com/ Dear beloveds, you and I know that without a doubt, young black men are an endangered...
Sheikh Yaser Birjas talks about the five stages of marriage. The first stage of the husband-wife relationship is known as the “in-love” phase where the...
By: Suleman Ahmer Suleman Ahmer is MM newest specialist. He will be sharing articles on productivity and time management for our readers. As founder of Timelenders, a productivity and...
The dreamy quality of the production of award-winning film Prince Among Slaves: The Cultural Legacy of Enslaved Africans transports the audience away from the Capitol View Library in...
Today we will be hearing from 9-year-old Hana Hubert from Delaware, USA. In her poem “Beauty of the Heavens and the Earth,” she describes the blessings...