[“What Did You Just Say?“, MuslimMatters’ new column, is a space for people to respond to corporate media and its...
January 2010 San Francisco, California If Jamilah didn’t get that bike back, she was done. What could she do? Go back home to the nowhere town...
It is said: “Whoever acts by what he knows, God will bequeath to him knowledge that he does not know.”1 Thus, as a person practices what they...
MuslimMatters recommends watching this video from start to end if you’re working with the Muslim community regularly. It’s important to understand the sacrifices and hurdles which our...
I feel like this message is far too important to me and far too sensitive for all of us for me to leave it unexplained. —–...
Written for the Muslim Link newspaper In a major development in the struggle of the Ethiopian Muslims, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) has released a statement that...
Cross-posted from: http://thehumblei.com/2012/08/20/ibn-juzayy-on-remembrance-of-god/ Masters of the inward life tell us that remembrance of God, or dhikr, is the cornerstone of the spiritual path, the key to sanctification (wilayah)...
Cross-posted from: http://thehumblei.com/2012/11/30/breaking-bread-as-brothers/ God insists in the Qur’an: And hold fast, all together, to the rope of God, and do not become divided. [3:103] The Qur’an further insists: The believers are...
First printed in Motherhood Magazine She is curled up next to me reading a ‘Wrinkle in Time’, when she suddenly turns around and says “Mama, you know...
Assalamualaikum, kids! MKM is back and we hope you are excited to read what we have from Muslim youth all around the world. Today’s article is...
Louis and Kadija sat in the crowded waiting room at Highland Hospital. The room smelled faintly of bleach...