In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful Evil thoughts savaged me from every angle, more intensely than I...
What do Alex Jones and the Muslim community have in common? I’ll tell you, but it’s going to make you...
Hey there MSA superstar, how’s it going? You’ve survived daw’ah table dramas, brothers vs sisters power struggles, fast-a-thon, IAW, and some shady thing online facebook behavior...
In The News Remake of “The Message” is in the works. Whether you’ve seen it or not (I haven’t), we all know about the 1977 class movie...
The banking group, Lloyds TSB are forcing the Islamic Bank of Britain to close Interpal‘s account – a UK-based charity dedicated to helping poor Palestinians (which...
This is a guest-post submitted by Brent Graham, a native of Down Under (Australia): When I first started to read an English translation of the Qur’an...
Please continue to keep Tariq and his family in your duas and pray that Allah clears him of all charges against him. Ameen. Just a few...
This concludes the three-part series on parenting in the West. Raising Children in the West- How Do You Define Respect by Umm Reem © Part...
This is the second of a three-part series on parenting in the West. Raising Children in the West- How Do You Define Respect by Umm Reem...
A group of 8 people, who believe in the fundamentalist Christian belief that the Aryan race is the superior race, engaged in an act of violent...
This is the second of a three-part series on parenting in the West. Raising Children in the West- How Do You Define Respect by Umm Reem...