In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful Evil thoughts savaged me from every angle, more intensely than I...
It’s narrated that once a man sought permission to speak to ʿUmar regarding some issues or complaints. Instead of addressing...
Please do not use, download or post any of the photos without express permission from These images are all copyrighted to MM. Click here for...
Click here for complete coverage of MANA’s Second Annual Conference The Preface: The next few days will be dedicated to blogging the MANA conference, that ended...
Innalhamdolillah. Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem. Indeed, all praise is for Allah. In the Name of Allah, Whose Mercy transcends every comparison, Who is Always Merciful....
It’s with great sadness that we heard about the verdict of the Holy Land Foundation trial. I find it absolutely appalling that they can convict someone...
(Okay, maybe that’s not such a great idea for a nasheed…) On a more serious note, I am delighted and pleased to announce to you (a...
A talk delivered at UC-Irvine by Hamza Tzortzis. This is a good complement to an article we put up earlier on the literary uniqueness of the...
Click the pic for the video. Muslim group donates turkeys to needy families Monday, November 24, 2008 | 5:34 PM CHICAGO (WLS) — Hundreds of families...
Pls DIGG & Stumbleupon Story. Do YOUR part! As we have been hearing, terrorists have created havoc in Mumbai, India, killing over 80 160 people and...
A guest submission by Bint Imam Hijrah! That’s the buzz word of the decade. Interestingly, the term is also associated with romanticism in some minds,...
**Don’t forget to check out the gag reel at the end of the post** If you haven’t heard it yet – The Beard Interview. This was...