The concept of Palestinian return encompasses not only refugees displaced by conflict but also millions in the diaspora who have...
Bismillah. MuslimMatters is excited to announce the appointment of our new Executive Director, Br. Siraaj Muhammad. Siraaj has served as...
O Allah, none has the right to be worshipped except You alone. And, O Allah, I bear witness that Muhammad is Your servant and messenger! Perhaps it...
Lecture by Shaykh Yasir Qadhi | Transcribed by Zara T. This is Part 1 of the Seerah series, click to read Part 2. [The following is...
Today’s scholars, are faced with a task, that scholars of previous times, did not have to reckon with; before the age of globalization, scholars would render...
The collapse of Rana Plaza, a garment manufacturing complex in Bangladesh, which killed 1,134 workers, sent shockwaves around the globe this past April. Just a few...
When it was confirmed that I was to be married and the dates for the event set, family members went into a flurried pseudo-state of panic...
I was volunteering at a science event in a children’s museum on the morning of November 9th. While I was eager to help out, I thought...
By: Abu Aaliyah (Surkheel Sharif) There has been a certain reluctance on the part of classical scholars when it comes to defining love (mahabbah). It is not...
A young brother sent me the following question a few days ago: A shia brother posted this status: The Holy Prophet said: Surely,...
An Eid gift was delivered to Nabila Rahman’s home by Americans last year. A gruesome gift that blew her grandmother’s body into pieces on a magical...
by Shaykh Abu Laith Luqman Ahmad Cross-posted from The Lotus Tree Blog Islamic scholars occupy a special place in Muslim society. They are often considered to...