“Masjid uncles” often get a bad rap: portrayed as grumpy immigrants, trapped in the past, squabbling over petty masjid politics,...
Received the following information from an insider working for Dr. Aafia’s release. Please note two pieces of new information: A new initiative has been formed, kind...
This is an interesting article by Sherman Jackson that gives one point of view on how to start combating the Islamophobia that exists in America. I’m...
The following message is from Dr. Ali’s wife regarding his latest hearing, Dear all, Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu: October 23rd hearing update During the hearing it...
One of the highlights of attending this year’s Global Peace and Unity event, was to finally meet two of the MM shuyukh in person: Yasir Qadhi...
A plural in Arabic can belong to one of a number of categories. The most simplistic division would yield the following categories:1. Standard Masculine Plurals جمع...
Have we got some stuff for you on this edition of Open Thread Sunday. 1. Everyone knows about the woman who faked being attacked by someone...
Congratulations Sr. Bint AbdelHamid who won the Reader’s Poll for Best Ramadan Story, beating the 2nd place (two stories tied: Of Love & Parents and Cancer...
*Poll ends TONIGHT at 12:00AM EST, 10/25/2009* So far, the race is REALLY tight. The top story “A Word in Passing” is leading 2nd place “Of...
Lessons from the financial crisis we are seeing. Download [audio:http://muslimmatters.org/audio/an/AbdulNasir%20Jangda%20-%20Muslim%20Perspective%20on%20Current%20Financial%20Crisis.mp3]
A few months ago a trailer for a “documentary” called ‘Karachi Kids’ surfaced on YouTube. [youtube L1V3bB_BxQ4] The documentary was single-handedly made by Imran Raza –...