From The MuslimMatters Bookshelf is a new monthly column from MM staff members -which you can look forward to on...
Innalhamdolillah. Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem. Indeed, all praise is for Allah. In the Name of Allah, Whose Mercy transcends every comparison, Who is Always Merciful....
A Jumu’ah treat for you. › Edit — WordPresse is the part one of the the two part speech, Defending the Prophet (S) Against Orientalist...
This is the second part of a blog piece that asks: The blog is divided-up into six reflection, the first three of which may be read...
Recently, I was surprised to learn that my name had been included in a launch publication which sets out a number of recommendations to combat terrorism....
Innalhamdolillah. Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem. Indeed, all praise is for Allah. In the Name of Allah, Whose Mercy transcends every comparison, Who is Always Merciful....
Grand Mosqee de France, Paris (Copyright: The following is an appropriately timed guest submission by sister Aisha Mijndadi Ajikobi Eid in Nigeria is popularly...
Less than two weeks ago, we condemned the deaths of hundreds of innocent lives, lives of Muslims, Hindus, Jews and Christians, who were ruthlessly murdered by...
This week’s Open Thread is going to be a meaty one, with an interesting variety of random links for you to peruse. And don’t forget –...
Most of us know at least one or more people who have gone for Hajj this year. Indeed, today marks the day that the hujjaaj will...
President (elect) Hussein (that sounds so nice) was apparently disappointed that Bill Richardson decided to shave his beard – a clear imitation of women and the...