Have you always found Tajweed to be mind-numbingly boring and dry? Are you confused by the concept of the Qir’aaat...
Update 10/12/2012: Jazakumullahu khayran to everyone who had questions. Responses have been added to the end of this article! * * * When over 500,000 Iraqi...
At a time where there are many trying to deconstruct the fundamentals of Islam to suit their whims and desires, who only profess Islam superficially and...
When I wrote my last piece on female wet dreams, I received many requests to add a portion on vaginal discharge as well. However, since vaginal discharge...
Frost covered the luxury cars parked in front of my apartment complex, and the thin cloud of exhaled air confirmed the usual Bay Area early morning...
Click here for original post. Editor’s Note: Brian D. McLaren is author of “Why Did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, and Mohammed Cross the Road? Christian Identity in...
For the first time since the Syrian crises began in March 2011, there has been international involvement in the conflict at the military level. The Turkish...
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MM Treasures are posts on MuslimMatters that we believe are overlooked ‘gems’ that NEED to be read, especially by our new readers. Lecture by Yasir Qadhi...
My dear brothers and sisters, have you ever wondered why in your salah – your five daily prayers, the sunnah, or even the adkhar – why...
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21kUHGmRYR0[/youtube] Amid a nationwide debate in France surrounding attitudes towards the Islamic veil, or hijab, a...