In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful Evil thoughts savaged me from every angle, more intensely than I...
The departure of Ramadan often makes me reflect on my past nine Ramadans as a mother. When I was pregnant...
To believe in the tenets of faith makes one a believer. But the believers have another goal too: wilaya. Wilaya is a personal relationship with Allah...
On August 6, the women’s basketball tournament at the 2016 Summer Olympics will tip off in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with 12 teams representing 12 countries...
By Shehzade Mustafa Bugünlerde ṣaṣırmak eskisine nazaran daha zor, fakat bazen bazi medyanın cüreti karṣısında ṣaṣkınlıḡa düṣmemek elde deḡil. Aṣaḡida bulunan liste sorumsuzca, yalan yanliṣ ve...
By Shehzade Mustafa It is hard to be shocked these days, but sometimes you just can’t help but be amazed by the audacity of some of...
When former Mayor of New York Rudy Giuliani stated on Fox News that Black Lives Matter is inherently racist, and a local Dallas mosque publicly advertised...
This article contains many extensive notes, rendered here as end notes. To download a PDF version in footnote format for easier reading and navigation of the...
In verse 77, the final verse of the 25th chapter of the Qur’an; Sūrah al-Furqān, Allah says, “Say, ‘What would my Lord care for you if...
It is not very often that the word Muslim is juxtaposed to something positive in global news. Sadiq Khan’s election as the first Muslim mayor of...
By Sumbel Gilani This year is my first Ramadan in four years when I am neither pregnant nor breastfeeding. Consequently, it is my first time fasting as a mother....
by Zuneera Masood First day of Ramadan and you are excited when you see a fellow Muslim. You nod and feel this mutual connection that “we’re...