Junaid's birthday party turns into a disaster, and the family sees a wondrous sight on the way home.
The Story of Mūsā: A Story of Optimism Part 1 In the previous article we spoke of the optimism contained in the story of the Prophet...
By Afshan Khan The Muslim fashion industry is growing, and is expected to grow even further reaching $327 billion by 2019, according to a study...
Earth Day is upon us, a day celebrated by the world to generate awareness on protecting our planet. Earth day started in 1970, and has become...
Allah ﷻ informs in the Holy Qur’an: Made beautiful for mankind is the love of desires for women and offspring, of hoarded heaps of gold and silver,...
By Talha Bozkurt Muslim Millennial: \muz-ləm mə-ˈle-nē-əl\ Muslims who were born into the age of social media. The world is rapidly changing and developing, and...
By Naureen Ahmed My parents married each other in the late 70’s in Karachi. They moved to Brooklyn, NY, where my mother gave birth to my...
I was being submerged under water after being told to proclaim Jesus (as) as my savior and route to Allah (most revered, most glorified). The Pastor...
Sunnism is suffering an identity crisis: other than not self-identifying as a Shī’ite, very few people who identify as Sunnīs can explain what beliefs makes a...
Everyone knows that Islam’s first Muezzin was black, Bilal Ibn Rabah, Radi’Allahu ta’ala ‘anhu. But did you know that the second was blind? I’m going to...
By Fatima Asad When my first-born was born six years ago, I finally felt what my mother must have felt when she had me. As...