UAE-based preacher Ali al-Jifri has long been a vocal supporter for Egyptโs military dictatorship, despite its mass atrocities.
This is interesting in that usually the anti-vote camp is often composed of folks, who base their opposition on Islamic interpretations emanating from Saudi. So, alhamdulilah,...
I’ve just discovered my newest pet peeve: misogynistic women. That is, those women who believe in and perpetuate gender-related stereotypes… the most common one being that of...
The dilemma of dealing with the youth is not unique to any one community, or even to the West. It is something that affects the global...
OK, so we messed up a little yesterday… we made the bold move of being all up-front about our intentions for mentioning the Brass Crescent Awards....
We are kind of late on this one. But it is important that all Muslims, esp. in America, are aware about this excellent event ongoing in...
What a surprise… as it was beginning to appear that the Supreme Court will declare Mr. Busharraf’s presidency unconstitutional, Mushy did what can be expected of...
*Alhamdulillah, we would like to introduce SaqibSaab as a new associate writer for He is from Chicago and also writes on his own blog. When...
First a khutbah from last Friday on The Good Things of This World, delivered at Masjid at-Taqwa in Brooklyn, And this video, from a fund raiser...
A sign of the times…American university in Turkey flouts Turkish ban on headscarves. This article (from the Chronicle of Higher Education) is an apt reminder of...
The family down the street from me has a 20-foot-long effigy of a body hanging from the branch of a tree in their front lawn. It...