Meena Malik shares the story of her one-year long engagement, and how she discovered one of the most helpful and...
Courtesy of Sh. Haitham Hamdan at Multaqa Ahl al-Hadith: Over 250,000 palestinians praying in Al-Aqsa Masjid
To become a member, go to and click on “Donate.” We urge all brothers and sisters to join and support CAIR. We believe that CAIR...
The Triangle of virtue- Part II: The Qur’an and Taqwa (Part 1 can be found here) There is no doubt that the Qur’an is the book...
You’d think it must be a horribly weak faith if it requires a violent video game to attract teenagers to practice it. It must be a...
This article seeks to discuss, in moderate detail, the fiqh ruling on giving zakāt al-fiṭr in the form of money instead of staple food item. In...
As many MuslimMatters readers know, I am in the midst of planning Light of Islam, a nonprofit bookstore set to open in April 2008 in Houston....
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh, As the last 10 nights of Ramadhan are now upon us, I wanted to share a short and simple yet...
As Salaamu Alaikum I wanted to share the good news that Huda TV is now availabe online at: This is a great resource that is...
Of the acts of worship special to this month is that of I’tikaf. Allah (تعالى) mentions I’tikaf in one place in his book: أُحِلَّ لَكُمْ لَيْلَةَ...
Assessing our Ramadan As the last 10 nights are now upon us, it is time to re-evaluate where we have come so far. Two-thirds of the...