In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful Evil thoughts savaged me from every angle, more intensely than I...
Many times, as a Muslim woman writing novels, I have asked myself whether my Muslim identity can be dissociated from...
3,447 people officially killed as of Tuesday morning. 600,000 people left homeless, and the entire cities of Patuakhali, Barguna and Jhalokati District hit hard by the...
If you’ve heard me talk about how I became Muslim, then you know that my attraction to Islam began while browsing in bookstores in the Brooklyn...
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Texas Dawah Registration is Now Open! Take advantage of discounts (limited time) by registering online here Two amazing lectures online for free download (you need an...
To everyone in the Midwest, there will be a seminar at the Islamic Society of Milwaukee this weekend entitled: American Muslim Converts: Empowerment and Outreach Guest...
News, documentaries, drama and even comedy; it seems that TV producers cannot get enough of us these days. Programmes like “The Muslim Jesus“, and – dare...
Have you wondered who Thou is? Y’know, Thou. If you don’t know who I’m talking about, allow me to explain. Thou is a person whose identity...
Even if the pain of the wound increases, There must be a remedy to treat it. Even if the days in prison endure, There must be...
Part 1 can be found here. The last posting ended with discussing how the Prophet (saw) interacted with youth, and specifically showing an example of how...
*After you read this article, here’s what you can do: BECOME A PARTNER (as an individual or as a blog)! Click here or see the bottom...