Are you worried or nervous or scared to talk to your parents about getting married? Thatโs normal. You may even...
When I was growing up, and when my daughter was coming up through the public school system, I don’t remember parental consent being required for school...
Before I get too far and people wrongfully accuse me, I wish to be clear that I am indeed very much in favor of free speech...
28 > 24. So it’s my turn to give the open thread thing a shot. Here’s a few random thoughts and then a look back at...
Please check out this upcoming conference in Toronto. The theme is Love of the Prophet sal-Allahu ‘alayhi was-Sallam and features many speakers, including Shaykh Tawfique Chowdhury....
This is a new Khutbah from Shaykh Jamal Zarabozo. We will be podcasting the audio of this as well if you want the talk in mp3...
On Sunday June 1st, I launched an event which you may by now have heard of: International “Wear Your Kaffiyeh with Pride” Day, to take place...
The Toronto Star has had a flurry of articles recently which have caught the attention of many Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Before continuing, the articles are...
Stop Bill C-50 from being passed! Bill C-50 is an alarming piece of legislation that every Canadian who believes in fairness, openness and multiculturalism should oppose....
Here is the link. Mr. Wolf [DHS lawyer] also cited excerpts of sermons Mr. Qatanani had given calling Israelis “transgressors,” and questioned whether Mr. Qatanani or...
This is a transcript of the True Happiness Khutbah by Yasir Qadhi which we posted earlier. One of the sisters who reads the site, Bint AbdelHamid,...