One ride after another. I canโt keep track anymore. It takes all kinds to make the city spin. Long shift,...
Bah, you Americans and your incorrect way of writing out dates! It should be Open Thread Sunday 29-06-2008. dd-mm-yyyy makes a lot more sense than m-dd-yy...
Morning breath, masaalah breath, just plain ol’ bad breath – problems that have plagued mankind since the dawn of time, and for which solutions are touted aplenty....
Our very own Br. Abu Bakr discusses the deeper meaning of the Quranic verse known as “Ayat an-Noor” (S24:35), in which Allah describes Himself as the...
This is a must watch, eye-opening, video from the Huffington Post. In the spring of 2008, a conference was held on the outskirts of Washington, DC....
The following article was written by Abu Shoaib Ashmead Choat, a very dear family friend of ours. He visited Houston a few years ago and gave...
As a Muslim comic book geek reader, I’m always on the lookout for a good graphic novel that has awesome pictures, cool characters, and a rockingly...
We all know by now how Obama catapulted to the influences of the Israeli lobby, in at least stating a message that pretty much neutralized any...
It’s Open Thread Sunday once again, so comment away. As a nice refresher, below are some posts related to fiqh, some of its subtleties and the...
Nikāḥ kitāba, otherwise known as katb al-kitāb or “celibate marriage,” has become an increasingly common and preferred way of marriage for many young Muslim couples. A...
In this khutbah, Sheikh Younus Kathrada from Dar al-Madinah Islamic Society of Vancouver, Canada, shares the divine wisdom behind trials and tribulations, explaining how to deal with calamities...