When the Supreme Court overturned a Maine law that barred students from using state tuition assistance to attend private religious...
A few days ago, MuslimMatters.org reached a million page-views. We are also close to half a million visitors. For a site started just over a year...
Was IlmSummit truly one of the most historic academic events in the history of the development of Islam in North America? What was all the hype...
Here is a guest article entitled, “Domestic Violence – A Societal Imperfection With No Place In A Perfect Religion” by Asma Hanif, contributing writer for Muslim...
And who can extinguish that light? Can someone make out what this brother in Islam in Niger is reading? A student attends a lesson at the...
Mark your calendar now for our upcoming webinar: Insha Allah, Today, Tuesday, August 19th, 2008, at 9:30 P.M. Eastern Time Bismillah. The daunting problems that have...
The following a guest-entry by Br. Abu Sabaya, who attended Aafia Siddiqui’s hearing. Inshallah, he will provide more updates as the issues progress. Br. Abu Sabaya...
Another glimpse inside IlmSummit. Here is Sh. Yasir Qadhi’s khutbah delivered on the Friday at the tail end of IlmSummit. (Sh. Yaser Birjas’ khutbah from the...
Sr. Aafia’s bail hearing has been postponed to September 3. Please make dua’ that she be released, and please keep her and her three children in...
Insha’Allah there will be more posts with details of what was actually learned at IlmSummit but here are a few pictures (sorry it is not a...
The so-called “” (see document here) cooked up by a several Muslim organizations in UK gets a scathing review by Shaykh Haitham al-Haddad. Shaykh Tawfique Chowdhury...