How can Muslim readers distinguish between flawed Muslim characters vs a book that glorifies sins? When Muslim readers pick up...
The year 2008 saw much for A new layout, ginormous climb in fanbase, and a whole lot of fun along the way. All praise is...
*Link to complete coverage of Gaza Massacre on MM* Today, we bring you a double feature: Revive A Sunnah, and an Action Alert! These days, as...
*Link to complete coverage of Gaza Massacre on MM* *Pls DIGG post by clicking here* Ahmed Bedier, Human Rights Activist and Florida radio-host (I interviewed him...
*Link to complete coverage of Gaza Massacre on MM* The message the outlawed Zionist state of Israel is sending to the world and international leaders through...
“Don’t go out in the scorching heat!” This sounds like the advice of a well-wisher to someone they sincerely care about. However, these were the words...
Innalhamdolillah. Audhobilaahi minash-shaytanir-rajeem, wa min shururi anfusina, wa min sayyiaati a’maalina. Bismillah. [by abu abdAllah at TDC. For the next few months, I am taking a...
*Link to complete coverage of Gaza Massacre on MM* Please keep making du’aa for our brothers and sisters in Gaza as much as you can! Donate...
Bismillah [Written by Amatullah] In many ayaat of the Qur’an, Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala calls the Qur’an a “huda”, a guidance, for the believers. We may...
Greetings of salam from Houston, Texas, where the Texas Dawah’s eight and allegedly “final” convention is in full swing. Since my post is going to drag...
Disclaimer: The author of this post is not a faqeeh nor claims to be. However, this post was reviewed by someone qualified in the field. Please...