The Post Turtle I am not sure if you know the Post Turtle story. The story is about this old...
So Very Tired Dear brothers and sisters in Islam, and specifically you in North America who will understand this best. I have a problem. I know...
Bismillah “Arrogant? Who, ME?! Never. I’m a Muslim.” Any Muslim who has studied the Quran and Sunnah in depth and detail would strive to stay away...
It’s a sad reality that as an Ummah, we suffer from a severe case of attention deficit disorder – metaphorically speaking, that is. We have incredibly short...
We didn’t quite have the Sunday Open Thread ready, so we thought you would enjoy the 2nd part by Tariq. Feel free to use previous Sunday...
[posted by abu abdAllah Tariq Ahmed] Innalhamdolillah, wa bismillah, was salamu alaykum. [If you scroll down a bit further there is an image. You will only...
(posted by abu abdAllah Tariq Ahmed) Innalhamdolillah! Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem [Alhamdolillah, an MM reader alerted us about the upcoming hearing of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui....
On February 14th 2009, after only four, short weeks of preparation, the Viva Palestina convoy finally left for Gaza from its starting point at London’s Hyde...
1Kudos to both, even if Kerry made all the necessary disclaimers for Master-AIPAC. Br. Keith was due a substantive action, after his vote debacle on the...
إن الحمد لله، نحمده و نستعينه و نستهديه و نستغفره و نتوب إليه، و نعوذ بالله من شرور أنفسنا و من سيئات أعمالنا، من يهده الله...
Part I | Part II- A/B | Part II- C/D | Part III | Part IV-A | Part IV-B | Part V A PDF version will...