Apis cerana indica. Sonali knew that was Latin for “Indian honeybee.” “Shehed ki makhi” in Urdu. But in her own...
by Humaira Khan Asma was always one to focus on what was missing: the sun on a cloudy day, the tiny smudge on her otherwise beautiful...
Pre-req | Introduction | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 As discussed previously, apartheid refers to a system of discriminatory polices which divide a population along...
‘A still tongue makes a wise head’, says one proverb. It has also been said: ‘The wounds of a sword may heal one day; the wounds...
HibaKidz: Life with the Ahmad Family| “The Big Test” In this episode, Baba and Mama find out that when you give instructions to Jamal, you should be ready for...
Cross-posted from: http://abdullahhasan.net/?p=6363 Lecture (Dars) by Ustadh Abdullah Hasan to the Young Muslims Organisation at the East London Mosque on 28/01/2011. Notes taken by Brother Muhammad AbdulHye...
“We were making the future, and hardly any of us troubled to think what future we were making. And here it is!” MM Treasures are posts...
Every single conference. Every single lecture. Every single guest speaker. Every single gathering of friends… …Every single time, a halal meat discussion. Is it halal? Is...
So there I was, in zen harmony with my Muslim-American (or American-Muslim) identity, choosing to be all that I could be and exercising my right to...
57. Abu Thabit from Sahl bin Hunaif said: The Prophet said: “He who truthfully asks Allāh for martyrdom (Shahadah), Allāh will raise him to the high status of...
by Dean Ahmad, Ph.D. Libertarian Candidate for US Senate, Maryland When the Maryland libertarian party asked me to be its candidate for the United States Senate...