In the four years following India’s revocation of the special status of the Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir, Delhi’s most significant...
“In ten years I picture myself married with children, going to the mosque, living next to my buddies, Lumia, Safiyah, and Saba, painting with Sophia, organizing...
The first apartment where my husband and I lived had six stories, and we lived on the sixth floor. I remember this clearly because in the...
Follow Shaykh Waleed on Facebook: I used to look for him in Makkah every Ramadan to pray taraweeh beside him. Praying next to him would...
This is Part #3 of a multipart post: You can find part #1 here and #2 here Sixth: The factors that assist a person to be successful in the...
By: Dawud Israel I believe we overestimate and underestimate mentally by about 50%. We underestimate time spent driving, like it’s a chase scene in a film....
This post was originally posted here. Muslims pray in direction of the Kaaba located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. This direction is called the Qibla. On Tuesday,...
When I was in Houston this past summer, my children, 15 and 12 years old—and even the 6-year-old – dragged me 98 miles almost every day...
By Nabil Ahmed Just when we thought Muslims had passed the days of negative, terrorism-attached attention, it feels as though they never left. Repeated cases of...
For the past four days I had been working on the following article, which I intended to post yesterday evening. However, I then heard about the...
Seeing a scene of impeccable beauty, we often hear the term “Heaven on Earth!” But there is only one place that literally has the right to...