This Ramadan, MuslimMatters is pleased to host the Institute Of Knowledge‘s daily Ramadan series: Keys to the Divine Compass. Through this series,...
Every time I solicit khutbah topic ideas from people, someone inevitably suggests istinjā (how to clean yourself after using the restroom). Although not the typical heart-stirring, faith-boosting, spiritually-uplifting,...
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Law of Connection: Leaders Touch a Heart Before They Ask...
| Part 1 | Written by Dr. Hatem AlHaj II. We need to build them correctly By building them correctly, I don’t mean making them fancy and...
His status in history isn’t debated, A question to be asked then, why is the greatest man, when great men are rated.. the one that you...
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 Law of Magnetism: Who You Are is Who You Attract The Law of...
Written by Dr. Hatem AlHaj As the primary religious institution, the masjid has the greatest role in community building, and its success in performing this role...
At the moment he accepted that he was going to die on the cold bathroom tile of his college apartment, a life that had revolved around...
Canada is taking the lead role in banning barbaric cultural practices. Nay, I should rather say, it’s taking a lead role in banning practices that the...
By A. Syed **Editor’s Note: Many of the ayahs referenced by number below are partial ayahs. Imam Suyuti defines a verse as “Kullu ayatin wafqatun li tadabur”—“every...
The Lord of the Rings (LOTR): long books, totally epic movies. However, let’s put aside the huge productions that are the movies and the intricacies that...