We have all been watching the courage of America’s university students (and those from across the world) as they encamp...
Oped by Raja AbdulHaq Who is responsible for the rise of Trump? It’s imperative to acknowledge that Trump didn’t come from a vacuum; he is an...
[dropcap size=small]A[/dropcap]s Arab and South Asian Muslim immigrants to America, their children, and grandchildren invest blood, sweat, and tears building social capital (the networks of relationships...
By Dr. Sherman Jackson I am not a political conservative, at least not in the American tradition of that brand.[1] First, conservatives tend to be “no-men” who...
As the news of a Trump Presidency sinks in and the nation reacts, there were acts of solidarity with Muslims across the country. We collected a...
Today, Muslims in America woke up to the news of Donald Trump winning the presidential election with an overwhelming feeling of shock. While his victory speech was...
[dropcap size=small]W[/dropcap]hile all Muslim women face intense backlash when challenging authority, Black Muslim women’s intersecting identities make them even more vulnerable to marginalization when they speak...
The virtues of Duha prayer are vast, uplifting, life-changing, and of immense benefit to those who implement the habit of praying it on a daily basis....
To My Future President, When you’re sworn into office next January, the majority of Americans will wish you were someone else. You won’t be popular —...
Over the last two years, Muslim bloggers and writers have published countless articles that challenge or outright reject the traditionally normative Islamic view on social issues...
By Janet Kozak Muslims have the utmost responsibility to right known wrongs with their words and actions. This is commanded to us by Prophet Muhammad, may...