By Sajda Khan (Twitter: @Sajda__Khan) Why has Britain become so obsessed with an item of clothing known as the niqab worn by a minority of women?...
Question: If a girl is attracted to other girls since her teenage years, what is the best way to suppress her desires? I know the American...
Louis took the book from the shelf and studied it. What was it supposed to be? He looked at the cover. The Holy Quran, it said....
The following tweets were published in order to establish an Islamic etiquette in tweeting – #TwitterFiqh. Remember these wise words: 1- Do not feel entitled to comment negatively...
You're not expected to try to make everyone happy, nor is it possible. That's not Islam. Respect for others is vital, but in the end we...
1) Sex MashaAllah | Muslim Vignettes on Female Sexuality by MuslimMatters This series of articles contains the perspectives of several Muslim women at different stages of life who...
Have you ever tried watching an old sitcom years later and found yourself identifying more with the parents and less with the teens? I find myself...
The Truth by Minha Khan I looked at my watch. It read 9pm; he was late. But then again, what else could you expect from a Pakistani...
By Musab Qureshi In a country where many girls are still discouraged from going to school, Sushma Verma is having anything but a typical childhood. The...
By: Diala Khalife A response to “How do you stop racism in the Arab American community? Heck if I know” I write this in response to...