*Stay tuned tomorrow for a special behind the scenes look and an outtake reel.ย *Mp3 files are at the end of the post. A few months...
This is the speech referred to in the earlier post: Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism at GPU 2008 [google -5566399027897178411]
Please also see: Quilliam Foundation’s Fear-Mongering โAlertโ on Islam Channel (GPU, Yasir Qadhi, Bunglawala & Azad Ali) In retrospect, it was inevitable.As a person’s speaking engagements...
Updated#2 (Nadim’s input)- The following is the MM’s team thoughts and views on the Elections. After my intro, don’t miss the pieces by Yasir Qadhi, Yaser...
One of the highlights of attending this year’s Global Peace and Unity event, was to finally meet two of the MM shuyukh in person: Yasir Qadhi...
I love Imam Siraj Wahaj. He’s someone that we need more of, both in the sense that I want more of him as a person, and...
One of the greatest mistakes of the Bush Administration in its national policies to quell radicalization has been its failure to recognize and separate true militants...
On Giving Zakฤt al-Fiแนญr As Money Instead Of Food by Shaykh Yasir Qadhi Synopsis: This article seeks to discuss, in moderate detail, the fiqh ruling on...
This is a transcript of the lecture. Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakatuhu, Verily all praise is due to Allah , we praise Him as He...
We posted a Khutbah a while back by Sh. Yasir Qadhi entitled Uncomparable Love. The transcript for that khutbah is below. May Allah (swt) reward...