One ride after another. I canโt keep track anymore. It takes all kinds to make the city spin. Long shift,...
(Read Intro and Part 1 before proceeding) Debt Perceptions – Islamic View of Debt Even a brief review of basic literature in Islam regarding debt shows...
Now that the primaries are here, I’ve become more and more disappointed with the various options. Muslims have been debating the best choice for months, and...
John Smith, from the fundamentalist, excommunicated branch of Mormons, said regarding baptism rites of Southern Evangelicals… Reverend Kathy Lisbon, a leftist, gay & lesbian, ardent pro-choice...
I. Debt Perceptions – The Consumer Culture in America To owe someone $8,000, for about $6,500 worth of stuff, and be enslaved to paying a small...
Writing about the literary dimension of the Qur’an for an audience that may or may not have background in Arabic grammar and rhetoric can be rather...
What a trip the past two weeks have been? The last week of December as well as the first week of January is usually dead without...
I would like to kick off a series of posts in the upcoming days (or weeks) regarding the issue of Muslims being in debt. I have...
Praying at home or the masjid, and then sneaking out to party at a nightclub. Wearing hijaab around family, and then turning into a fashion diva...
Please read Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 before proceeding. Also there is a post on MM from a few months ago about best practices...
Good poetry is, in a sense, timeless and immortal. This is not only because it is read by generation after generation of readers, but also because...