College students are very familiar with various standards, benchmarks, and metrics for success. In order for them to succeed they...
The Many Paths to God? Introduction As Muslims living in the West, we are faced with a myriad of legal, religious and political problems that our...
Recently, the UK PM, Gordon Brown, proposed that in order to tackle the problem of organ donor shortages, the current “opt-in” system should be replaced with...
Do not cast yourselves, with your own hands, into destruction [Quran 2-195] There is such things as differences of opinions, fundamental theological differences, different fiqh, etc....
Something nice I received.. A long time ago, there was a huge apple tree. A little boy loved to come and play around it everyday. He...
An Email was sent out to a Muslim who recently accepted Islam explaining Ashura. It wasn’t as exhaustive as the article up on IslamQA, but reading...
Just in time for Martin Luther King Day, the openly racist organization “Society of Americans for National Existence” – SANE – apparently has the ear of...
Intro | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 III. Why Muslims are in Debt – Money Myths! The statistics from the previous section are...
“Study after study shows that better educated women have fewer children. They tend to marry later and bear children later. A World Bank report found that...
(Read the Intro, Part 1, and Part 2 before proceeding) II. Americans in Debt A) Average Debt A quick look at the statistics says 43% of...
With all the talk about “Clash of Cultures” and “Muslims adjusting to the West,” and all the rest of that jazz, there’s something that has been...