Ever heard the saying “when you’re hurt, I’m hurt”? No doubt the person saying this means well, however, it reinforces...
Last Thursday (February 21), the Houston Chronicle, my hometown paper, published an editorial discussing the Archbishop of Canterbury’s recent remarks about integrating sharia-based courts into the...
This is quite old, but very relevant and applicable to current times. The youth, who is a student of an Islamic seminary in Karachi , is...
I never thought there would be a follow up to the Muslim Man’s Guide to Style but I have good news for the brothers. Mullah fashion...
Intro (Part 1) | Part 2 | Part3 | Part4 | Part5 (Last) *Note: This series is almost entirely based on a series of short videos...
While death is a subject often discussed in khutbahs and duroos and something that I’d heard and read about from an Islamic point of view, I’d...
By Irum Sarfaraz Although Pakistan waits with bated breath for the final results of the election the results so far show a resounding victory for PPP...
[Photo by Fort Photo] Just a short notice to the MM readers that there will be a total eclipse of the moon tonight, which should be...
Intro | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 V. Cars, Houses, and ….. oh yes… STUDENT LOANS So...
Congratulations to our Muslim brothers and sisters in Kosova, which has just declared its independence from Serbia on Sunday (2/17/2008). As might be expected, this is...
Monument honouring Hakeem Olajuwon to be unveiled in AprilFebruary 14, 2008, 11:44 PM ET HOUSTON – The Houston Rockets plan to unveil a monument honouring former...