The Muslim community in the West has to carve out its distinctiveness beyond the narrow social and political debates in...
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On the Houston Chronicle’s Talking Tolerance blog I read this post, in which the author’s friend makes a comment along the lines of what I heard...
For once, MM is slightly behind on an interesting and relevant news story – you can blame me for that, though! :) The notorious Neil MacFarquhar...
Alhamdulillah, we are a nation that loves to give sadaqah, which explains why there are countless numbers of Muslim-lead charity events and organizations out there, that...
Intro (Part 1) | Part 2 | Part3 | Part4 | Part5 (Last) *Note: This series is almost entirely based on a series of short videos...
Sister Bint Ali sent us this document about Imam Qatanani, who has become yet another victim of Israel’s strong influence in this country. We should all...
The Ummah is growing quite healthily, alhumdulillah, and according to the Vatican, the world Muslim population now exceeds that of Roman Catholics (not all Christians). I...
Authority of Sunnah Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 Umm Reem continues her series on the authority of Sunnah with Part...
Br. Nihal Khan did an awesome job for MM readers in capturing some great moments from the hugely successful IlmFest 2008 event, which attracted nearly a...