Following the killing of three Muslim women in the span of three months, the North Texas Islamic Council’s (NTIC) Family...
Download the latest MM podcast to hear Sh. Yaser Birjas talk about the importance of physical fitness in Islam. Does that mean the MM Staff have...
This is a winning paper from the Heavenly Hues AlMaghrib course in Qabeelat Haadi. Check out the previous papers, Nurayn Hosna Ittihad The Concept of Justice...
The article was removed with the author’s consent. Staff-members and specialists felt that the article was not sufficiently researched, and that the conclusions could easily be...
When I was growing up, and when my daughter was coming up through the public school system, I don’t remember parental consent being required for school...
Before I get too far and people wrongfully accuse me, I wish to be clear that I am indeed very much in favor of free speech...
28 > 24. So it’s my turn to give the open thread thing a shot. Here’s a few random thoughts and then a look back at...
Please check out this upcoming conference in Toronto. The theme is Love of the Prophet sal-Allahu ‘alayhi was-Sallam and features many speakers, including Shaykh Tawfique Chowdhury....
This is a new Khutbah from Shaykh Jamal Zarabozo. We will be podcasting the audio of this as well if you want the talk in mp3...
On Sunday June 1st, I launched an event which you may by now have heard of: International “Wear Your Kaffiyeh with Pride” Day, to take place...
The Toronto Star has had a flurry of articles recently which have caught the attention of many Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Before continuing, the articles are...