“I wish trick or treating were allowed, and I don’t get why it’s wrong. It’s just for fun!” These are...
It’s Open Thread Sunday once again, so comment away. As a nice refresher, below are some posts related to fiqh, some of its subtleties and the...
Nikāḥ kitāba, otherwise known as katb al-kitāb or “celibate marriage,” has become an increasingly common and preferred way of marriage for many young Muslim couples. A...
In this khutbah, Sheikh Younus Kathrada from Dar al-Madinah Islamic Society of Vancouver, Canada, shares the divine wisdom behind trials and tribulations, explaining how to deal with calamities...
The first in a series of papers tackling a variety of issues and concerns. It includes: does the 73 sects hadith imply most Muslims will go...
I’m currently reading The Veil: Women Writers on Its History, Lore, and Politics, edited by Jennifer Heath, which is an in-depth compilation of essays by different...
This is another Heavenly Hues paper from Qabeelah Haadi (San Fransisco Bay Area). Check out the previous papers, Nurayn (DC/Maryland) Hosna (Houston) Ittihad (Windsor/Dearborn) Haadi #1...
A small follow up to the post Quran Videos and Favorite Qaris, this Qari came recommended by Shaykh Yasir. I heard about this guy before, but...
After discovering an article titled “A Few Good Men: American Muslim women bemoan lack of ‘good’ male suitors“, I was oh-so-kindly “volunteered” by my fellow MM...
Many apologies for the late appearance of this thread! I was too busy enjoying the beautiful weather outside, masha’Allaah :D The advent of summer being well...
We previously covered the case of the Toronto 18, as they’re known, in this post. The trials continue and the plot thickens as Mubin Sheikh, the...