In a recent MuslimMatters article, the writer Muhammad Jalal called upon Muslims to move “beyond the left-right culture wars” and...
For all articles up to and including this one, click “Ramadan Reflections: The Daily Journey” Ramadan Reflections: A Daily Journey Through the Qur’an Alhamdulillah that Allah...
I would like to take this opportunity to greet you, to congratulate you on the advent of blessed Ramadan, to make my sincere dua for you,...
MuslimMatters is pleased to announce the addition of Imam AbdulNasir Jangda from the Dallas, TX area. Those who were at IlmSummit will know him from his...
MM is pleased to announce that Umm Reem will be joining our team as a specialist. Many readers found Umm Reem’s last piece on exorcism very...
One of the cool things about Muslims is that we come from all over the world, and in every country we have our own special way...
As adults, we look forward to Ramadhaan as a time of increased spirituality and a more concerted effort at increasing our ‘ebaadah. In preparation, we read...
*New videos from Shaykh Haitham al-Haddad at the bottom of this post Out of all the symbols that Muslims could have chosen to symbolize the unity... Presents: Co-Sponsors: AlMaghrib Institute & Texas Dawah Convention (TDC) Nights of Power: Short Tales of Inspiration. Ramadhaan is the best and most blessed of months,...
Link to Full Coverage of Dr. Aafia’s Ordeal A message from Sr. Maryam of cageprisoners: PLEASE NOTE THAT THE TIME OF THE HEARING HAS CHANGED –...
SubhanAllah, less than a week until Ramadhaan! Insha’Allah this year we’ll be entering the blessed month sometime in early September… which also means back to...