Part 1: Boys will be boys? | Part 2: But that’s not abuse?| Part 3: Why doesn’t she just leave?|...
One of the cool things about Muslims is that we come from all over the world, and in every country we have our own special way...
As adults, we look forward to Ramadhaan as a time of increased spirituality and a more concerted effort at increasing our ‘ebaadah. In preparation, we read...
*New videos from Shaykh Haitham al-Haddad at the bottom of this post Out of all the symbols that Muslims could have chosen to symbolize the unity... Presents: Co-Sponsors: AlMaghrib Institute & Texas Dawah Convention (TDC) Nights of Power: Short Tales of Inspiration. Ramadhaan is the best and most blessed of months,...
Link to Full Coverage of Dr. Aafia’s Ordeal A message from Sr. Maryam of cageprisoners: PLEASE NOTE THAT THE TIME OF THE HEARING HAS CHANGED –...
SubhanAllah, less than a week until Ramadhaan! Insha’Allah this year we’ll be entering the blessed month sometime in early September… which also means back to...
Link to Full Coverage of Dr. Aafia’s Ordeal Sr. Sahira attended the Press Conference and provided the following notes & action-items. Photos and news report of...
As a former team athlete, I remember well the preparations our team used to make before big matches. Our coaches used to work hard with us...
With this article, please welcome Iesa Galloway to MM’s Staff as Public Relations Coordinator. Iesa is the Principle of Galloway Public Relations, LLC, and has been...
We received the following photos on the Press Conference. There was a story on the Associated Press of Pakistan, the full text being posted below the...