In this episode of The MuslimMatters Podcast, MM’ Acting Executive Director Siraaj Muhammad spills the tea on MM’s secret agenda...
*Link to complete coverage of Gaza Massacre on MM* Please keep making du’aa for our brothers and sisters in Gaza as much as you can! Donate...
Bismillah [Written by Amatullah] In many ayaat of the Qur’an, Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala calls the Qur’an a “huda”, a guidance, for the believers. We may...
Greetings of salam from Houston, Texas, where the Texas Dawah’s eight and allegedly “final” convention is in full swing. Since my post is going to drag...
Disclaimer: The author of this post is not a faqeeh nor claims to be. However, this post was reviewed by someone qualified in the field. Please...
Innalhamdolillah. Bismillah. [written by abu abdAllah] Here’s a neat trick for all of you who use Gmail and love reading Muslimmatters. Open Gmail in your web...
Shaykh Yaser Birjas and ICNA’s Why Islam campaign were featured on KSTM Channel 9 news in El Paso, TX. The feature was based off of a...
Please join us in welcoming our new associate writer and first sister among the associates – Amatullah. You can read her bio here. بسم الله الرحمن...
First of all, a huge jazakumAllahu khairan and much appreciation from us at MM to you, the readers, for your support and votes at the Brass...
This is a must read article detailing one of the less publicized (that’s an understatement) forms of torture for Muslim detainees at Guantanamo Bay. The article...
[youtube UiEMnv5j3dc] As promised, here is part two of the session from ISNA 2008 titled, “Defending the Prophet (S) Against Orientalist Critique” given by Shaykh Yaser...