Humility is the queen of the akhlāq of the believer. It is even mentioned in the Quran as a defining...
As-salaamu ‘alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh, Aahhh, winter… it’s in full swing and where I am, at least, we’re experiencing typical wintery weather: grey skies, chilly...
DIGG | REDDIT Next time, someone flashes a photo of a “Hamas kid with a gun” as proof of a “Muslim indoctrination of violence”, show them...
Bismillah How many times has your conscience piped up to you at some time along the day with a “I should not have done that,” followed...
The following article was published by CNN, and is being reproduced under Fair Use provisions. Nafees A. Syed, a junior at Harvard University majoring in government,...
DIGG | REDDIT Early in 2008, Yale University announced that the former Prime Minister of the UK, Tony Blair, had just been hired to teach an...
One thing I love about writing on outlets like MuslimMatters is the amount of legit criticism one can get. Since I put the post up I’ve...
Toronto Star: Order to take off niqaab pits law against religion A judge has ordered a Toronto woman to testify without her niqab at a sexual...
Bismillah walhamdulillah was Salaatu was Salaamu ‘alaa Rasoolillaah, [Written by Amatullah, Jazaakum Allahu khayran to those who assisted me] ____________________________ DISCLAIMER: “I know this article is...
A gem from the archives of George Galloway’s radio show. It neatly sums up the injustices related to birth of the Israeli state. It also gives...
More and more Muslim parents in the west are now voicing their desire to give their kids a quality Arabic education; something they themselves didn’t have....