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Yasir Qadhi: My Conversion – Admitting One’s Mistake and Moving On


Broken WindowsThis is, in many ways, an awkward post for me. Admitting one’s mistake is not easy to do. Claiming that one’s past opinions were wrong  – opinions that were defended publicly, in writing and speech, and championed for many, many years – is always a bitter pill to swallow. And this is even more difficult to do when the ‘mistake’ is not just one secondary matter or trivial opinion, but rather an entire framework or methodology.

But now, I am forced to make such a confession. I have given the matter great thought, and have realized there is no way forward unless I break clean of my past. And if I do so, I am not the first, nor shall I be the last, to make such a claim. Many great scholars in our tradition have gone through phases of their life, realizing later on that they followed an incorrect system in an earlier stage.

It is an open secret that there are two great traditions in our times competing with one another. Each of these two systems claims to be better and more perfect. Each one claims to be older, or more ‘orthodox’. Each one claims to have large numbers of followers. Each one presents an entire methodology – a holistic framework from which all other programs of one’s life should spring forth. Each one is eager for converts, critiquing the other tradition with utmost contempt (sometimes with very cheap and underhand tactics – as bloggers know all too well).

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It is obvious that both of these systems cannot simultaneously be true in all that they say. One of the two MUST be the more correct and better.

For many years of my life, (in fact for ALL of the years that I have been of age), I had been an ardent follower of what I thought was the only system. As a young teenager, I never even knew that people followed other methodologies, and the first time I was exposed to the other system I truly found it incomprehensible. It seemed too difficult to follow, too ‘strange’ and exotic. As I grew older, and learnt more about both systems, initially my faith in my own tradition grew stronger and stronger. It is actually ironic that I wrote many works, books and treatises in its framework. In many public and private gatherings, I had defended my own preferred methodology and mocked the other.

It is true that many people tried to convert me, and initially I rebuffed them quite easily. But as these efforts increased in earnestness, and I found close friends of mine, people whom I truly looked up to, convert one by one, I felt the seeds of doubt grow within me. Perhaps my system was not the best? Perhaps the framework that I had initially been led to believe was the truest and most perfect was not actually so?

One by one, those whom I admired began to drop their ‘old school’ affiliations and change boat. I was truly shocked – my very foundations shaken. Eventually, not a single friend of mine who specialized in the field still  remained with me in the old camp. When the final person in my circle of friends converted, it was the last straw.

So I decided to take time out of my other projects, and do some research. After all, this was not a trivial matter, it was an entire methodology of operation. Taking a deep breath putting aside all my previous prejudices, with a pure and unbiased heart, I began to read. And read, read and read. History, works of methodology, testimonies from converts, and even biographies of the founders of these schools. And that was when I realized that I had been wrong all along.

Reading the material that I read, it dawned upon me that the more orthodox of  the two methodologies was NOT, in fact, my current one. Rather, it was quite clear that the other system was older, and that mine was but a cheap attempt at imitation. It was also clear to me that my own system, unlike the other one, was full of mistakes – mistakes that I had tried to ignore or brush aside, but existed nonetheless. The other system attracted all the high-profile converts; surely there was a reason for this?

In the end of the day, the evidence spoke for itself. I decided to cast aside my old prejudices, and at least try the new methodology for a while. Until one experiences certain ‘realities’, book knowledge alone will never be sufficient. So, gathering whatever courage I could, I went ahead and took the plunge. For a full week, I immersed myself in a new and fascinating world. I discovered matters that cannot even be expressed in words. The simplicity, elegance and profundity of it all truly blew me away. It was, in all senses of the term, a truly mystical experience compared to my previous ones.

That week is over now, and I cannot remain quite any longer. I too have converted, and this conversion must be made public. This is the truth, and it shall set me free.

I hereby renounce any affiliations I previously had with the PC, and am now a die-hard Mac fan.

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Sh. Dr. Yasir Qadhi is someone that believes that one's life should be judged by more than just academic degrees and scholastic accomplishments. Friends and foe alike acknowledge that one of his main weaknesses is ice-cream, which he seems to enjoy with a rather sinister passion. The highlight of his day is twirling his little girl (a.k.a. "my little princess") round and round in the air and watching her squeal with joy. A few tid-bits from his mundane life: Sh. Yasir has a Bachelors in Hadith and a Masters in Theology from Islamic University of Madinah, and a PhD in Islamic Studies from Yale University. He is an instructor and Dean of Academic Affairs at AlMaghrib, and the Resident Scholar of the Memphis Islamic Center.



  1. anonymous student

    May 18, 2009 at 11:37 AM

    I thought this was about you turning into a hanafi. hah! great stuff!

    • Asmaa

      May 19, 2009 at 9:33 AM

      Ditto. Lol, that was nice SubhaanAllaah

      I would want to try Mac too.. When I have enough money… maybe in the bext ten yrs if I still am alive.. I will give it a try..Even if for a few seconds.

      • Loga

        November 20, 2009 at 4:19 PM

        BarakAllah fiikum.

        jazakAllah khier for the smile and inshaAllah we can use them in giving dawah: If anyone is interested inshaAllah we are speaking with Christians and Pastors about Islam on a Muslim run site. JazakAllah khier if you can come and join the conversation. The site linked above (my name) will direct you there. Looking forward to your input, dawah and jazakAllah khier.

        salaam alaykum.

      • Ahmed

        July 5, 2016 at 8:20 AM

        Hahaha, Mashallah ! Sheikh you’ve killed me !!!

    • Abu Hanifah

      May 20, 2009 at 5:06 AM

      Whats wrong with being a Hanafi? :-|

      • ukhtukum

        May 23, 2009 at 12:38 AM

        nothing, alhamdulilah all 4 madhabs are valid regardless of their differences.

        and sheikh yasir i nearly had a heart attack <_<
        it was too funny! may Allah smile down at you

        • Abu Abdullah

          July 12, 2009 at 9:16 AM

          What’s wrong with being a Hanafi? It depends:

          When you reject an authentic hadeeth of the Messenger because it goes against your madhab – then there’s something wrong with being a Hanafi.

          When you divide the Muslims into sects by naming yourself as partisan to one Muslim imam – then there’s something wrong with being a Hanafi.

          When your books of Usool state “any Nass which goes against our Madhab is either rejected or abrogated” – then there’s something wrong with being a Hanafi.

          When you ignore the way of the Sahabah in asking any reliable, qualified scholar available for fatwa not just the scholars of your own madhab – then there’s something wrong with being Hanafi. No Sahaba were Bakri, Umari, Uthamani or Allawi they were Muhammadi.

          When you close the doors of ijtihad until the Day of Judgement and tell the “scholars” to blind follow only and not to think then there’s something wrong with being Hanafi.

          When you reject Imam Abu Hanifah’s aqeedah and only take him in Fiqh – then there’s something wrong with being Hanafi.

          When you don’t care how the Prophet (sallAllaahu ‘alaihi wasallam) ordered us to pray when he first displayed his prayer from the minbar in front of the Muslims and said “Pray as you have seen me praying” and instead cling on to weak narrations about how to pray because its your madhab – then there’s something wrong with being Hanafi.

          When you believe in Wahdatul Wujood, call upon the dead in the graves, or believe that your Shaikhs know the Unseen – then there’s something wrong with being a Hanafi.

          When however you use the Hanafi Usool as a framework for beginning your studies in Fiqh, but follow the evidence when it comes to you, and your ‘aqeedah is of pure Tawheed – then there’s nothing wrong with being a Hanafi.

          • Shibli Zaman

            July 12, 2009 at 10:25 AM

            So, Abu Abdillah, in other words there’s nothing wrong with being a Hanafi. Thanks for clarifying that.

          • mustaqeem SHAH

            July 24, 2009 at 1:07 PM

            It would be vey intresting if you mention a single HADITH that the Hanafi Fuqahaa go against.
            Taqleed (shakhsi) has been there from the time of sahabah RA and it is rather very iportant to follow one these schools of thought especially when not every one is a ‘Mujtahid’, that is what Allah says: ask the people of knowledge…’.
            May Allah reward all of the aimmah mujtahideen kiraam, ameen.

          • Hasan

            December 6, 2009 at 5:52 PM

            Abu Abdillah’s statement is filled with ignorance and misunderstanding. It is a common notion that people who follow maddhabs are biased fools who go contrary to the evidence of the Quran and hadith. As Abu Abdullah says, “When you reject an authentic hadeeth of the Messenger because it goes against your madhab – then there’s something wrong with being a Hanafi.” There are so many problems with this statement that I don’t even know where to begin: 1. the criterion for a sahih hadith is different according to different usul. Abu Abdullah has definitely not studied hadith in the least, otherwise he would understand this problem. The Hanafis, for example accept mursal hadith, but the Shaf’i’s don’t. The Hanafis don’t accept khabar wahid, but the Shafi’is do. So who said there was a consensus on what a sahih hadith is? 2. The Quran or hadith in question could be interpreted in different ways. 3. One hadith could abrogate the other 4. One hadith could be used in a specific situation, and another hadith might be general. 5. The sahabi relating the hadith might just be unaware of the saying of the Prophet, or have heard incorrectly.

            Only a mujtahid mutlaq can figure out the reality in every situation and issue. A layman would find it impossible to do this job. I hate it when children go to an Al Maghrib class, learn a few hadith, and believe that they could do ijtihad and disprove the Hanafis, who have literally thousands of scholars and books to back them up, as do the other maddhabs. And to say that the door of ijtihad is open is correct for new issues, but not issues that have already been resolved. This is a dangerous view that has led to modernist movements that legalize homosexuality and other immoral acts through their ijtihad, even though these issues have been long determined before.

            And last, to say that calling oneself Hanafi or Shafi’i is causing divide in the ummah is an assertion steeped in ignorance. Even if one stops calling himself something, he remains what he is, regardless of what he calls himself. The difference will remain. The problem is not calling ourselves something, but fighting over it, as Abu Abdullah has already done. The Democrats and Republicans have completely different views, and even call themselves something different. They do not pretend that they love each other and are one group. But when the time comes to unite against an external enemy, they do so. That is what the Muslims must do, not pretend like we have all the same opinions.

            Wallahu A’lam

          • Nader Ismail

            May 7, 2012 at 10:27 AM

            none of those things you mentioned are inherently Hanafi

          • Observer

            April 5, 2013 at 2:16 AM

            Abu Abdullah be very careful! The path you are treading on is very dangerous . You may not agree because of your lack of wisdom & by your Wahabbi’ism brainwashing & distorion of truth,but it is prudent not to criticize a man who performed Esha & Fajr salaah with the same wudhoo for 50 years because he was busy in the worship of Almighty
            اَللَّه سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى!

          • Abdulmuqtadir

            November 26, 2013 at 3:36 PM

            Hello Brothers,

            Love towards Hanafism is itself a spoil.

            Death to Hanafism.
            Death to Shafaism.
            Death to Malikism.
            Death to Hanbalism

            Do you know brothers, death of Maslak-e-Sufian bin Unayah.

            Death to Jafarism.

            Long Live Islam.
            Long Live Manhaj-E-Mohammed SallaAllahu Alaihi Wa Sallam.

            With regards to Yasir Al Qadhi, he is thaali mein ka baigan.

            He does not have any content. He just plays with words.
            He does not belong to any madhab.

            He is not true Salafi.
            He is not true Deobandi.
            He is not true Hanafi.

            I listen to speeches and Qutbahs of Yasir Al Qadhi. He just decorates his Qutbah and speeches with Quranic verses. He does not want to be unpopular in any of Circles ( Deobandi, Salafi, Ahle Hadith, Barelvi, Shia, etc.)

            I hate Yasir Al Qadhi style of Speeches.

            Though I follow Ahle Hadith School of Thought. I love Ustadh Nauman Ali Khan. Even if he is a Barelvi school of Thought also I will love him.
            He is a great Scholar. His Expertise on Quran is really great.

            Yasir Al Qadhi is playboy, playing safe side.

    • abu Nusaybah

      November 3, 2010 at 2:38 AM

      May Allah preserve you Shaykh Yasir.

      The following speaks to unity – based on the practices of Uthman, ibn Mas’ud and AbdurRahman ibn Awf (may Allah be pleased with them). I think it builds upon your beautiful story here, it gives us a pciture of how differences were dealt with, and how we ought to deal with them.

      InshaAllah the actions of the companions gives us much food for thought regarding the unity of Muslims, and how we are to deal with one another when we face differences. Allah knows best. barak Allah fiikum.

  2. Amreen

    May 18, 2009 at 11:37 AM


  3. Ahmed

    May 18, 2009 at 11:42 AM

    Sheikh Yasir, you really got me with this one. Hope you don’t start a flame war in the comments…

    That said, I love my Mac too. for a really simple and elegant salah times application. Make sure you get the program ‘Growl’ as well, as Guidance uses Growl for fancy notifications. If you’re ever interested in more Islamic programs for the Mac, or searching for a program to fulfill a certain task, feel free to ask and I may know of one.

  4. Hidaya

    May 18, 2009 at 11:50 AM


    I admit half way through, i couldn’t wait, so I cheated by reading the last sentence and then continuing with the remaining

    • Sumeya

      April 15, 2011 at 9:35 PM

      I did the exact same thing…still confused :)

  5. Anum H

    May 18, 2009 at 11:55 AM

    Wow… Shaykh Yasir…. the rate my heart was beating towards the end of the article…. you have no idea!!!

    But that was a good one I must say… lol

    • maria

      May 21, 2009 at 12:29 AM

      ditto!! my heart almost stopped.

  6. Kristian Petersen

    May 18, 2009 at 12:00 PM


  7. Wasif (twin1)

    May 18, 2009 at 12:03 PM

    MashaAllah, that was very funny! I was on the edge of my seat the entire read.

  8. Amatullah

    May 18, 2009 at 12:04 PM

    mashaAllah I was waiting for this article to come out! Really had me scared for a second when I first read it :) hehe.

    I converted for about 3 hrs…I was utterly confused and baffled so, I then apostatized. I’ll stick with my HP!

  9. MentalMuslim

    May 18, 2009 at 12:07 PM

    Shaykh! You really had me going there…I thought this was a real fitnah, Subhanallah! I was seriously under the impression at the begining of the post that it was related to some aspect of the deen. Good one!

  10. Hala

    May 18, 2009 at 12:22 PM


    Alhamdulilah. Sh Yasir, welcome to the light! I love Mac.

  11. Amatullah

    May 18, 2009 at 12:24 PM

    Assalamu Alykum

    Now thats funny…

    Its even tagged as ‘Manhaj’

  12. Musa Maguire

    May 18, 2009 at 12:30 PM

    What a letdown! I thought you were about to let us eat cheeseburgers.

  13. Abu Hafsa

    May 18, 2009 at 12:35 PM

    Sheikh Yasir, Welcome. اهلا و سهلا. A quick list off the top of my mind of must have mac apps for muslims.

    1. Zekr . An opensource highly customizable Quran application.
    2. Guidance app for prayer times (Br. Ahmed already mentioned it before)
    3. Don’t forget to turn on Arabic support in Languages. Typing in arabic is pretty easy on the mac (Ok, this is not an app but a must-do tip !)

  14. Abu Ayesha Al Emarati

    May 18, 2009 at 12:43 PM

    I almost fell into despair.

    How far is Allah from imperfection.

    Waalhul Mustu’aan.

  15. Waqar Mehmood

    May 18, 2009 at 12:52 PM

    Very nice post. Sheikh Yasir had me worried for a while until I read the last line :). As I was reading I knew that there will be a stump line at the end and honestly i tried my super best to continue reading and not scrolling down but couldn’t resist and when I was very close to the end “That week is over now”, i skipped and read the last live :)…Very nice post which puts a smile on anyone’s face…I really like your writing style Sheikh Yasir. Thank you and regards…Waqar Mehmood from Houston Texas.

  16. Hassan

    May 18, 2009 at 12:53 PM

    I had my heart in my neck, and was shivering, you almost gave me heart attack. I had to scroll down without reading to read the conclusion.

  17. talib-ilm

    May 18, 2009 at 1:00 PM

    lol…good one

  18. Abû Mûsâ Al-Ḥabashî

    May 18, 2009 at 1:11 PM

    Well put.

  19. Taylor Starr

    May 18, 2009 at 1:16 PM

    Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah. Well…I was pretty excited when I read the title. Then I cheated and read the last sentence. Oh well. The fantasy was fun while it lasted. :-)

    I still haven’t made the switch to the Mac yet, but I am slowly being pushed in that direction. So you could say I’m well on my way to conversion. But old habits die hard, so we’ll see what happens.

  20. Abs

    May 18, 2009 at 1:16 PM

    Sheikh Yasir, that was hilarious!

    Welcome to the Mac world!

  21. AA

    May 18, 2009 at 1:27 PM

    Sh. Yasir , that was awsum!! i seriously thought you had converted into a hanafi!! :)

  22. Yasir Qadhi

    May 18, 2009 at 1:41 PM

    Salaam Alaikum

    I was hesitant to post this, but then decided to go for it. The reason is simple: I believe such humor (or ‘humour’ for the Brits) is in fact part of the beautiful Prophetic Sunnah. We all know of the story of the old lady who asked the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) to make duaa for her to enter Jannah, at which he replied, ‘Do you not know that old ladies shall not enter Jannah?’ When she got worried, he immediately replied, ‘Allah will change you back into a young lady and then you shall enter Jannah’.

    Indeed, if our Prophet can joke with an old lady about something as precious as Jannah, then we have even more right to follow him and revive this Sunnah. The jokes of the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) are the best and purest jokes, and ones that in fact teach us much.

    I believe that many of our scholars have neglected this aspect of the Sunnah and give an ultra-serious image of Islamic scholarship that is a bit too rigid (yes, for sure it is a serious science, but that doesn’t mean you can’t crack a few jokes!)

    Lighten up – it’s part of the Sunnah :D


    • Mohamed Hussein

      May 23, 2009 at 6:08 PM

      Walaykum Assalam Warahmatullahy Wabarakatuh,

      SubhanAllah Sheikh, Barak Allah Feek! This is really great. Humans need this sometimes.

    • Bint Alam

      March 20, 2011 at 5:12 PM

      i just was about to get a heart attack, Alhamdulillah it wasn’t longer

  23. A.Lahoz

    May 18, 2009 at 1:42 PM

    Salaam ‘alaikum Sh. Yasir,

    I read this with much anticiaption myself, though I have to say that the end was a double let-down. :-)
    (sent from my dell)

  24. Salman A.

    May 18, 2009 at 1:45 PM

    Ya Shaykh!!

    Subhanallah! Being one of the pioneer converts, I was on the receiving end of much criticism and mockery. Though many of those that once ridiculed and/or questioned Apple products (Macs/iPhone) have now switched over, and claim they never made such comments. Before I had a great level of respect for you, but now I consider you FAMILY! =) When and if you get any slack for switching over, just tell ’em: “Don’t Hate, Just Appreciate!”

    … Impatiently awaiting your return to DurbahLand!!

  25. Shahzeb Ismail

    May 18, 2009 at 1:48 PM

    Sheikh Yasir please be more careful with these types of articles… You are gonna give some body a heart attack … What came to my mind was shia sunni traditions … You are my favorite Sheikh and you really got me there…. Any ways in the end that was filled with awesomeness hands down… =D

  26. Abu 'Abdissalam

    May 18, 2009 at 1:54 PM

    As-salamu ‘alaykum,
    Alhamdu lillah, nice to know you have converted from M$ to the Mac.

    However, I pray that you are soon guided to Linux (I use Ubuntu) and, only then, will you know that there is yet a better world.

    Anyway, I am pleased to see that you are more than halfway there alhamdu lillah.

    Your brother who wishes well for you
    Abu ‘Abdissalam

  27. iMuslim

    May 18, 2009 at 1:59 PM


    • Sadaf

      May 19, 2009 at 10:04 AM

      Hahaha! Someone please get some smelling salts!

  28. Anon E. Mus

    May 18, 2009 at 2:06 PM

    I was getting tachycardic … but that was very funny! I was trying to think what PC meant, and then I read the Mac part :)

    • Arif

      May 18, 2009 at 5:46 PM

      Yah me too (I was like hmm… Pakistani Conference?!) lol

  29. MuslimaA

    May 18, 2009 at 2:07 PM

    Hahahah! I read through half way, couldnt wait and went down to the comments and came back up to read the rest! I need to work on my patience :)

    Awesome article Shaykh! may Allah preserve you, humor is always needed!

    P.S Forget MAC! Its all about the PC ;)

  30. Talha Syed

    May 18, 2009 at 2:13 PM

    Sheikh Yasir showed the beginnings of this troubling turn last year at Ilm Summit, when he remarked how so many of his friends were converting, and he even confided to me that he was thinking of doing so himself.

    Perhaps I should have warned our other Shuyookh, so that they could set him straight in time?

    • Yasir Qadhi

      May 18, 2009 at 2:24 PM

      Ajeeb – got caught ‘red-handed’ ;)

      Also, I see our dearly beloved Sh. YB seems enamored by this new methodology as well. Word has it that conversion attempts were made at IlmSummit, which he seemed to succumb to.

      Don’t know the latest regarding his methodology though…

  31. turaab

    May 18, 2009 at 2:20 PM

    Microsoft: “You’ve got questions. We’ve got dancing paperclips.”

    But seriously, that put me on the verge of tears…

    May Allah keep us firm on the straight path.

  32. usman

    May 18, 2009 at 2:43 PM

    Salaam, I was about to pass out, Shaykh Yasir, this is FINALS week, i do not need my entire world shaken up right now.

    I have heard good stuff about macs thinking about making a conversion myself, inshallah.

  33. Abu ziyad

    May 18, 2009 at 3:00 PM

    SuhanAllah !! While I was reading, my mind was going through LOG and LUL classes ….and all of your comment.. I was about to start crying… ooooooofff !! But the last line did it all… GREATTTT

  34. Hajera

    May 18, 2009 at 3:00 PM

    LOL.That`s good.

  35. Yus from the Nati

    May 18, 2009 at 3:01 PM

    wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow. One of the most hilarious things I’ve read on here. Man, I was sitting here thinking the same as everybody “helllllllllllllllllllllllllll no”…

    Yusuf – Cincinnati

    PS Mac is Wac

  36. Imtiaz

    May 18, 2009 at 3:06 PM

    MashAllah welcome to the RIGHT SIDE Abu Ammar…. for a second there I thought you were gonna become guyanese *wipes sweat off head* I do not think the ummah would be prepared for that.

  37. shirtman

    May 18, 2009 at 3:21 PM

    what a waste…of 13 seconds

  38. Sunie

    May 18, 2009 at 3:24 PM

    I was so worried until I read the last sentence.

    We should have a Mac vs PC advert made. We have Sheikh Yasir on one side with his kurta and side parted hair. Who will take the PC persona?

    and Macs are awesome. If only I could spare the extra cash…

  39. Irfan

    May 18, 2009 at 3:30 PM

    Assalamu alaikum Sh. Yasir,

    I really like your sense of humor, yes, I really do. But I believe that you are in the state of hammas regarding Macs :) If you don’t have it yet, soon you will have to buy this so you can run Windows on your Mac.

    Now the fiqhi one, does your family have to follow you in this conversion :)

  40. Ataa-ur Rahamaan

    May 18, 2009 at 3:32 PM


    Have to say Shaykh, with respect, I am a little disappointed. To quote the sentiments of brother Yusuf:

    ‘Mac is Wack’

    – Was-Salaam :)

  41. almost had a heart attack!

    May 18, 2009 at 3:36 PM


    Sheikh Yasir…my heart almost stopped!!

    pc all the way!

  42. ilmQuest

    May 18, 2009 at 3:36 PM


    Sheikh Yasir, while many people here are happy for you I however pray to Allah to guide you back to the rightly guided path of PC computers.

    Macs are just all show.. no substance.. there’s nothing underneath that beautiful exterior “Graphical User Interface”. It is just hollow.

  43. Media Guy

    May 18, 2009 at 3:38 PM

    Allah guides whom He wills. Alhamdulillah.

  44. Abdul-Alim

    May 18, 2009 at 3:59 PM

    As Salaamu Alaykum,
    That’s funny, I was at the edge of my chair and hanging onto every word. I needed a good laugh today.

    Was Salaam

  45. yahmtz

    May 18, 2009 at 4:00 PM

    subhannalh, my heart was beating really fast toward the end of the article…

    Anyways, did you get one of the new MacBooks or what?

  46. JYB

    May 18, 2009 at 4:08 PM

    LOL omG I was literally at the edge of my seat! Nice one, may Allah reward you for reviving this forgotten sunnah ;)

  47. yahmtz

    May 18, 2009 at 4:13 PM

    If you want to be a real rebel, try Ubuntu (Linux for human beings)…

    I should have also seen that this was posted in “Humor, Opinion”…

  48. Mazin

    May 18, 2009 at 4:15 PM

    Assalamu Alaikum Sh.


    still laughing

  49. Ali Colak

    May 18, 2009 at 4:32 PM

    When I saw that part about two seperate schools, I thought Sufi VS. Salafi. At first I wondered if you had joined a tariqa. Towards the middle how evr, I thought it must be a joke and at the end, my suspicions were confermed.

    A beautiful piece ya sheykh and may allah cause you to smile for the rest of your days in dunya and in akhira.

  50. Mehreen

    May 18, 2009 at 4:36 PM

    LOL my heart was thumping the whole time I was reading this- lol sh. Yasir has some humor!

  51. Abdul Hamid

    May 18, 2009 at 4:42 PM

    That was funny. Halfway through the article I was thinking Yasir Qadhi will be all over S.Talk and I.Awakening haha

    Good one. May Allah guide us all and keep us upon the straight path. Aameen.


  52. Zainab (AnonyMouse)

    May 18, 2009 at 4:43 PM

    That was pure genius!
    I was terrified that this would be the cause of my resigning from MM once and for all and having to join the anti-YQ bandwagon :)
    AlHamdulillaah ‘alaa kulli haal!

    (I’m a diehard PC-er myself. I just don’t get Macs.)

    • Shabaz

      May 21, 2009 at 10:28 AM


  53. Mezba

    May 18, 2009 at 5:07 PM

    Macs are a fitnah and temptation.

    We know you will come back.

    Allah and His Messenger knows best.

  54. Douglas Kelly

    May 18, 2009 at 5:11 PM

    I really needed that laugh!!!

    May Allah (swt) reward Sh. Yasir for his humor…

    I pray that he and others with his knowledge of Sunnah might compile a “greatest hits” collection of Hadith that highlight the jokes and lighthearted playfulness that made our beloved Prophet (saw) such a well-rounded leader.

    While our Deen is a serious matter, I’m happy to hear that it’s part of Sunnah to lighten up…

    …that way I can learn to laugh when my PC crashes!

    • fauzan

      May 19, 2009 at 12:44 PM


      wow, classic YQ, great job at reviving the sunnah!!!

  55. tazkiya

    May 18, 2009 at 5:17 PM

    wallahi You scared me

  56. Hayat

    May 18, 2009 at 5:22 PM


  57. ibnkhalil

    May 18, 2009 at 5:30 PM


    I was like now I have heard it all! Oh no what did Shaykh Yasir do! Alhamdulilllah!

    Now you should try the iPhone Shaykh!

  58. Arif

    May 18, 2009 at 5:41 PM

    LOL – Masha’Allah, this was one roller coaster of a post; my emotions swung up and down as I read through it (I was wondering why one of the categories was humor ;) )

  59. anon

    May 18, 2009 at 5:58 PM

    Ma sha Allah, great post.

    I advise everyone to read it again to really ‘get’ the lines…

    Keep it up ya Shaykh!

  60. Bahader from Sweden

    May 18, 2009 at 6:00 PM

    Hahaha! Good one!

    I thought he was talkning about Salafi etc. issues… Totally confused until I read the last line..

  61. Suhaib Webb

    May 18, 2009 at 6:11 PM

    Asalamu alaykum,

    We need to talk.


    • Yasir Qadhi

      May 19, 2009 at 1:48 PM

      Any time, Shaykh, any time.

      But come prepared with an open mind, and be ready to cast aside your prejudices :)

      • The Ghazzali Blogger

        May 24, 2009 at 12:12 AM

        I think this is past talking. There is only oen way of settling this. I got my money on Ustad Webb infact I’m in his corner telling him not to go for the face because he isn’t allowed to. Tho I see Ustad Webb more of a grappler than a striker..hmm

        I HAVE AN IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        we really need to get all you western scholars in an octagon to duke it out. We can have all the MAC lovers like Ustad Yasir Qadhi and Ustad Faraz Rabbani on one side. And have all the PC lovers on the other side. Then whoever wins we make a pact that all the Muslims would follow that methodology. SO if PC wins we all for the sake of unity use PC…or MAC.


      • Abdullah

        April 13, 2013 at 9:37 PM

        May ALLAH swt keep both of my beloved shayukh dear to each other and may ALLAH swt keep both of my dears to sincere intention , increase them in love even more now and after it, So that we can keep getting benefited In sha allah n may he gift them jannah Meeting together In sha ALLAH…May ALLAH swt always make us do thing for ONLY His sake And keep us united as one heart with pure love..Ameen

  62. a student

    May 18, 2009 at 6:17 PM

    LOL that was such a beautiful conversion story :D

  63. Osman

    May 18, 2009 at 6:19 PM

    Alhamdulillah I read the end first lol!!

    anddd yess after getting the iphone, I too will be switching to Mac after my PC goes . . . . .


  64. Asim

    May 18, 2009 at 6:25 PM

    uh oh Imam Suhaib is unhappy…or maybe hes looking to convert as well?

  65. harmony

    May 18, 2009 at 6:27 PM

    Silly Shaykh. Had my heart in my mouth!

  66. Saimah

    May 18, 2009 at 6:31 PM

    Subhan’Allah this post had me on the edge of my seat!!!! I was like freaking out towards the end!

    But I’d like to say that Sh. Yasir you’re 100% right for changing to Mac…I recently did and now I don’t think I can ever get used to using a PC again.

    Macs are awesome! :D

  67. AbdelRahman

    May 18, 2009 at 6:32 PM

    Alhamdulilah, if you need any discounts, you have my contact info.

  68. Megan

    May 18, 2009 at 6:33 PM this post was so so not cool….

  69. Waasiq

    May 18, 2009 at 6:35 PM

    The main problem is that Shaykh Yasir called PCs a mistake. If one goes through ijtihad and comes to a conclusion and reaches an answer, he gets 1 reward if wrong but 2 reward if right.

    Allahu A’lam.

  70. Omar Mumtaz

    May 18, 2009 at 6:41 PM

    la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah!

    I knew Macs were becoming a bigger and bigger fitna..
    But even for our mashaykh?!!

    We must all learn to respect our mashaykh regardless of their opinions..
    But this opinion is not in a trivial matter ya shaykh… this is shocking!

    I still remember sitting next to you in California.. it was in the year 2005, when we browsed together the Dell online store.. the screen was filled with beatiful PCs… and you eventually placed an order for a laptop you wanted. You were so far from the fitna of Macs then……. but now.. subhanAllah…
    it will take some time for me to absorb this one.


  71. ray

    May 18, 2009 at 6:45 PM

    wow subhanallah dis is sooooooo hilarious. soo ad me goin scard me @ 1st loool

  72. ray

    May 18, 2009 at 6:47 PM

    wow subhanallah dis is sooooooo hilarious. shayk scard me @ 1st wow lolol

  73. my h-town

    May 18, 2009 at 6:48 PM

    that was so not cool.


  74. AsimG

    May 18, 2009 at 6:50 PM

    The Shaykh is off the correct technology manhaj. Someone needs to start a blog dedicated to disproving Shaykh Yasir Qadhi maybe? lol

  75. farzhana

    May 18, 2009 at 6:51 PM

    I was terribly nervous whilst reading this… the title scared me the living daylights out of me!
    Very funny shaykh!
    It comes a close second to the ‘Nigel’ joke!

    • Rasheedah

      May 20, 2009 at 10:25 AM

      lol.. sheikh Yasir has an ‘unusual’ but wicked sense of humour. Subhanallah, and it makes it even funnier because its when you least expect it.

      Ur right Farzhana this was almost, if not as funny as the Nigel joke… now that was HILARIOUS!

  76. writeousbum

    May 18, 2009 at 6:54 PM

    Converting is the easy part….now you have to strive to learn more and go deeper.

  77. ihsan

    May 18, 2009 at 6:57 PM

    subhanallah, this post had me soo scared. : O

    You are too funny shaykhana!

  78. Abu Ninja

    May 18, 2009 at 6:57 PM

    OH MY GOD!!

    Walaahee as I was reading the post my heart began beating faster..!

    My palms started sweating..!

    I thought.. no.. this CANT be..

    Please NO!!

    Then when I read the last paragraph I was in stitches..!!!!

    Welcome to the world of Apple Mac!!

    I have a MacPro, a MacBook, an iPod Shuffle, iPod Nano and an iPhone!

    At the moment.. I LOVE my iPhone! Its the BEST phone in the WORLD!!!!

    Once you go Mac, you NEVER go back!

    • turtle

      May 19, 2009 at 4:36 PM

      this should be the new mac logo ” once you go Mac, you NEVER go back”
      love it!

      i’m a pc gal though…

      • Abu Ninja

        May 20, 2009 at 10:50 AM

        lol @ turtle nick

        Just thought id mention that the tag:

        “Once you go Mac, you NEVER go back” is a copyright of Ninja Inc.

  79. imz

    May 18, 2009 at 7:09 PM

    very very funny

  80. kheira

    May 18, 2009 at 7:10 PM

    Wallahi, I got so.. worried…but at the end it was funny gotta admit

  81. hmmm

    May 18, 2009 at 7:12 PM


  82. Yasir Qadhi

    May 18, 2009 at 7:25 PM

    For all of you asking me to get an iPhone… alhamdulillah that too is on its way (gifted to me by a very beloved and ‘guiding’ Qabilah ;) )

    Seriously, my MacBook is so great it not only supplanted my Dell laptop, I find myself rarely using my home PC as well. I’ll probably end up buying an iMac too.

    I must admit, though, that there is one MAJOR problem, and that is that most of the Arabic/Islamic softwares out there are geared towards PC, so its just a chore if I need to use them.


    • Gizmo

      May 19, 2009 at 12:26 PM

      Software such as?

      • Yasir Qadhi

        May 19, 2009 at 1:47 PM

        I have lots of hadith software, and databases of large books (Majmu Fatawa, etc.). I know you can run Windows within Mac, but it is not as convenient obviously.

        • Ahmed

          May 19, 2009 at 11:09 PM

          Sheikh Yasir,

          You can just install Windows XP or Vista onto your Mac using Apple’s ‘BootCamp’. The software should come with your computer if you’re running a new MacBook. By doing this, whenever you turn on the computer you have the choice of running Mac or Windows. If you have some experience in installing Windows then you shouldn’t have a problem! (Otherwise, find a tech brother to do it for you). See the following links for more info:

          I’ve done this and highly recommend it! It allows me to get the best of both worlds, so-to-speak.

          • Osman Azam

            May 20, 2009 at 12:10 AM

            If you install Windows on a Mac wouldn’t you basically turn into a PC?

  83. SaqibSaab

    May 18, 2009 at 7:25 PM

    I can see the refutations being written in PDF format right now.

  84. MK

    May 18, 2009 at 7:29 PM

    Shaykh – Just install windows on your macbook and that will take care of the Arabic/Islamic software issue.

  85. Wahid

    May 18, 2009 at 7:32 PM

    lol this was hilarious….i was baffled at first about admitting mistakes, but this is good read and i usually don’t read much

  86. Umm Fulaanah

    May 18, 2009 at 7:47 PM

    Woow…. This really had my emotions going… I was thinking … ”O Allah, Please dont make Our Shaykh turn to anything dodgy like Sufism”…and i was wondering why such an article was in the humor catagory… But the last line got me of my seat… I had to read it THRICE to digest it….

    You made my day Shaikh…. May Allah put barakah in your new …. eh….MAC!!!

    *Still Giggling*

  87. IbnAbbas

    May 18, 2009 at 7:47 PM

    nice one Shaykh!!!

  88. Siraaj Muhammad

    May 18, 2009 at 7:49 PM

    Hilarious post! I wonder what was going through the minds of people from the “two schools” as they were reading it – moment of truth? ;)


  89. Saleha

    May 18, 2009 at 8:01 PM


  90. Asiah

    May 18, 2009 at 8:08 PM

    Truly scary. Omg. Alhamdulillah. My Allah guide us and keep us all on the straight path. Whether we use PC or Mac ;)

  91. Osman Azam

    May 18, 2009 at 8:09 PM


    Windows 7 will revert you back :-P

    But seriously, whats the point of spending $1000+ extra on a computer than can only run a fraction of the applications that a PC can run?

  92. Ozair

    May 18, 2009 at 8:13 PM

    I am interested in knowing how much Sheikh Yasir was paid to convert to the dark side.

  93. Osman Azam

    May 18, 2009 at 8:22 PM

    Sheik Yasir, have you tried Gentoo Linux?
    You get to compile the entire kernel from scratch..

    just kidding, I’m not a Linux fan.

  94. AsimG

    May 18, 2009 at 8:28 PM

    It wouldn’t surprise me if someone used this article out of context to prove Shaykh Yasir is a sufi

  95. yahmtz

    May 18, 2009 at 8:28 PM

    Muslim Ubuntu. Someone should review this.

  96. jenan9

    May 18, 2009 at 8:30 PM

    this story gave me a good chuckle I adore the almaghrib instructors. I am an official HAADI student representative…since I have moved to California and away from my family which is hard as hell….for me literally…Your classes have given the peace and knowledge I need to becoming a better muslim….May ALLAH reward all your efforts…Big up to Yasir Qadhi, ,Yasir Birjas, Waleed Baysouni and the rest of the Almaghrib family….! P.S. I am not ready to convert Sheikh…I have a P.C. that is as old as a dinosour and I still wont use the new MAC my husband bought me…..This is part of my fitrah…sorry I disagree with you on the matter of the MAC…

  97. Osman Azam

    May 18, 2009 at 8:39 PM

    Lol, Ubuntu Muslim edition seems like the type of OS scholars should use.

  98. Pingback: Yasir Qadhi: My Conversion - Admitting One’s Mistake and Moving On

  99. abu abdAllah Tariq Ahmed

    May 18, 2009 at 8:52 PM

    MashaAllah — that was an awesome use of misdirection and suspense. :) I was relieved so much at the end, that I forgot to laugh.

    @Omar: lotawala, please bring back the nested comments. :)

  100. shuja

    May 18, 2009 at 9:03 PM

    LOL nice one

  101. Specs

    May 18, 2009 at 9:05 PM

    Ya Allah!!

    Well, we must have a discussion/debate some time and invite all PC followers; we’re sure we can convert you back!!!

  102. yahmtz

    May 18, 2009 at 9:32 PM

    You can run Linux on a PC…

  103. shuja

    May 18, 2009 at 10:20 PM

    what happened to the Blessings of Dhikir Khutbah page by Sheikh YAsir on this site???

  104. Ibn Masood

    May 18, 2009 at 10:32 PM

    Assalamualaikum Sheikh Yasir!

    This is very disappointing. I have known you to be a scholar of The HAQ… It is now clear that the evil insinuations of the Tufaah crew have lured your tech-nafs into a great fitnah.

    InshAllah with the new bidah hasanah of Windows 7, we shall again bring you out of the Dhulumaat and back into the Noor.

    May Allah swt reinforce your knowledge and replace your operating system with something better.

  105. Nihal Khan

    May 18, 2009 at 10:34 PM

    I love Sh. Yasir…..When you come back from Turkey, I’m giving you a hug :)

  106. snzfathima

    May 18, 2009 at 10:35 PM

    Lolzzz… subhanAllaah shaykh Yasir Q, ..great piece of suspense !! I was so deeply sunken into the curiousity of what manhaj you converted to..wAllaah, for a moment, I found myself trying to figure out what islamic sect “PC” standz :)

  107. snzfathima

    May 18, 2009 at 10:42 PM

    Lolzz.. subhanAllaah, shaykh Yasir Q.. great piece of suspense!! I was sunken so deeply into the curiosity of what manhaj you converted to.. for a moment, I found myself trying to figure out what methodology “PC” standz for.. lol

  108. Pure Pundit

    May 18, 2009 at 11:17 PM

    I’m not bashing on anyone/any computer but it seems as of late that most people who switch to Mac from Windows still can’t completely get away from Windows for one reason or another (i.e., they have to run virtuals like Parallels or Fusion) :) I was one of them.

    To be fair, Apple makes a good product but it’s a computer at the end of the day so you’ll experience its shortcomings soon enough. My suggestion is just don’t try to justify the shortcomings because you realize you spent much more on an Apple vs a PC so you try to prevent yourself from feeling guilty ;)


  109. ModerateMuslims

    May 18, 2009 at 11:30 PM

    I was pleasantly surprised at the start of article and at the end little disappointed :)

  110. Sara

    May 18, 2009 at 11:35 PM

    for a second…I thought Sh.Yasir was going to say he converted to a non-zabiha eater :)

  111. Anonymous

    May 19, 2009 at 12:15 AM

    On a more serious note, seeing this joke and all the shocked reactions (even though it’s really about mac/pcs) really reflects the level of animosity we have towards the “other side,” I hope this doesn’t hurt any efforts of unity that have been initiated, being that this is the feature story on this website.

    May Allah unite the hearts of the Muslims, Ameen.

  112. Ali Mackaben

    May 19, 2009 at 12:16 AM

    Best reason to buy a Mac over a PC…

    Macs don’t crash NEARLY as much.

  113. Pingback: Ilm Week Has Started And I Almost Puked | Media With an Islamic Framework | Leechon Films

  114. Anonymous

    May 19, 2009 at 12:25 AM

    Actually this is probably shocking mostly because of what Sh. Yasir represents rather than any animosity but I hope it’s just not taken the wrong way and hurt efforts for unity.

  115. Arshada

    May 19, 2009 at 12:45 AM

    Sh Yasir: Salaam, I am a Mac
    Sh XXX: Hi, I am a PC ….

    Belal can come up with rest of the trailer.

    • Gizmo

      May 19, 2009 at 12:20 PM

      Hahahaha! Good one :)

  116. mystrugglewithin

    May 19, 2009 at 1:04 AM

    It took me a while to bring back my thoughts .. but alhamdolillah, all my guesswork was stupid & crap :)

    Regarding the methodologies, .. I solemnly agree. If I could afford it as of now, I would have ordered one yesterday :D

    p.s. also tag it as “Mazzaq” :D

  117. Nael

    May 19, 2009 at 1:12 AM

    Dear Yasir Qadhi,

    I too have joined the other side as I type I’m on a Macbook pro but let me tell you about another open secret. This secret is called Ubuntu, its an open source free linux operating system that I also use daily at work. All the applications can be downloaded free of charge since its open source. You can, pidgin, firefox, thunderbird email client, and many others.

    Since you have an extra laptop not in use, you should download and install ubuntu and give it a try for a week. It’s really straight forward and easy to use.

    Salam Allekium and welcome to the other side where the grass is truly greener.


  118. The Ghazzali Blogger

    May 19, 2009 at 2:00 AM

    I despise MAC users…even my blood brother who got my father to try MAC (mainly because my dad doesn’t know how to use it and just wasted $1500 on a machine that he only watches videos on and then when he tries to do soemthing else he needs to call me making me break from my studies and go help him…I BETTER GET SOME HASANAT FOR THAT!!).


    I HATE NEW MAC USERS…You didn’t use mac 5 yrs ago like I did when I was forced to use the old G4 cuz that’s all my cheap college could afford. You haven’t witnessed the horrors of the old school Excel on MAC. you coem to these new school MAC’s and then start preaching that the PC sucks. All MAC machines shoudl be put in a pile and BURNED.

    Okay a MACBOOK is cool. But if you’re using an iMAC you better hope you don’t cross me in a dark alley after one of your talks in NYC.

    • iMuslim

      May 19, 2009 at 11:32 AM

      I have a G4 iMac from 2002… it was my first Mac… my first love! It’s what brought me to the light side.

      I now also have a MacBook (Intel), which has become my main computer, as the old one isn’t fast enough to handle the HD video work I do.

      So I better not meet you down any dark alleys, any time soon! :p

      • The Ghazzali Blogger

        May 24, 2009 at 12:07 AM

        Have you used EXCEL on that thing. I had a chem lab due in 2 hours and that excel was just MIND BOGGLING!!!! I almost took the imac and smashed it to the floor. But didn’t because peopel would be like who is that crazy brown bearded kufi wearing dude.

  119. Marya

    May 19, 2009 at 2:23 AM

    This was excellent. Haha, seriously had me going. :)

  120. MR

    May 19, 2009 at 2:39 AM

    I’ll remember this post when I see Sh. Yasir with his PC in the future.

    PCs > Mac

  121. vindicated

    May 19, 2009 at 3:36 AM

    wow, that was truly scintillating!

  122. faisaltai

    May 19, 2009 at 4:07 AM

    wow u pretty much had every one there

  123. Assad

    May 19, 2009 at 5:04 AM

    In these 2months I read tonnes of websites, opinions, reviews, forum discussions ,comparisons and 100s of blogs to come out if Mac is better than Windows? But I always remain confused and never got this question! Now finally after Shaikh Yasir Q. conversion I am fully confident that Mac is better than Windows :D

    I think this was a Divine help for me :D

  124. abu Rumay-s.a.

    May 19, 2009 at 6:02 AM

    I never thought the day would come that I would have to refute, make rad and hukm on my own shaikh..

    since no one has been man (or women) enough to make a refutation in the comments, before issuing the official PDF refutation with all our signitaroies from the KAABBAA IR ulama on the TRUE MANHAJ, I will take this opportunity to refute you point by point in hopes that you will repent once again from this dark and narrow path…

    first of all, can you not see what you have done to the youth, left them doubting the ONE and ONLY true manhaj, the way of our rightly guided predecessors…this deviant transformation is poisonous…

    It is true that many people tried to convert me, and initially I rebuffed them quite easily.

    That is why that OUR MANHAJ is THE ONLY true one, YOU have to hang on with your MOLARS…

    Eventually, not a single friend of mine who specialized in the field still remained with me in the old camp. When the final person in my circle of friends converted, it was the last straw.

    The TRUTH is NOT in Numbers, its in DALEEL, if you quote the DALEEL and even if you are by yourself, you are on the TRUE path, this path is not for the WEAK and Feeble, it is for the UPHOLDERS of HAQQ…

    began to read. And read, read and read. History, works of methodology, testimonies from converts, and even biographies of the founders of these schools

    Didnt our Shuyookh advise not to READ the books of ahlal BIDDAH, nor mix with them….In fact we were ORDERED to aleniate them until they repent from their way…

    It was, in all senses of the term, a truly mystical experience compared to my previous ones.

    I think you summed it up well in your own way, Biddah is Biddah, and HAQ is HAQ, the only path for your salvation is to repent, do not mix with ahlal biddah, do not read their books, and I encourage you to refute yourself in a follow up article to this in how you made a “hastey’ choice to convert. Now that you have followed the other devious manhaj, you can easily refute them since you know all their shortcomings…

    Fear Allah…I would write more about “mystical” deviations, but I have to make some more serious refutations and prepare some PDFs….

    • akhibrother

      May 7, 2012 at 8:21 AM

      dude you know he is talking about computers right?

  125. Abu Dalaala

    May 19, 2009 at 6:42 AM

    This conversion surely will lead to the demise of any and everyone who joins this fold with open arms. It is a methodology that demands complete negation of basic freedoms while affirming very little. Is it not the better route to take detailed affirmation and concise negation? Why whisk oneself into a world of obscurity where one must sell themselves to proprietary hardware and software. It is no less than a binary bay’ah whereby one surrenders himself to a world far too unknown and far too unreachable to the masses; bearing costs far too insurmountable.

    I implore you, ya Shaykh. Do not be hasty. There whiteness is merely a racial ploy. I ask you one question, why don’t they take on a darker face? What do they fear? They are thriving upon the last remnants of white supremicism. As for me, I prefer methodologies that reach the entire human demographic.

    • iMuslim

      May 19, 2009 at 11:34 AM

      I am writing this comment from a black MacBook!

  126. Ridhwaana

    May 19, 2009 at 8:05 AM

    Now Shaykh – that is what I call suspense!! lol

    Although I must agree with you…..I too am on the verge of renouncing any affiliations with PC aka (Piece of Crap) and convert to the Apple MAC….inshAllah saving up my money!!

  127. Anisa

    May 19, 2009 at 8:09 AM

    I read the last line and just killed the whole thing for myself!!


  128. ibnhuseyn

    May 19, 2009 at 8:25 AM

    Assalamu aleykum,

    Mashallah ya Sheykh!

    I undertook the same journey last summer and I’m very happy alhamdulillah!

    Welcome to the brotherhood! :)

  129. @sim

    May 19, 2009 at 8:40 AM

    Don’t listen to Abu Abdisalam!

    He is promoting one of the deviant sects of Unix! In fact this sect is so deviant that the senior scholars have proclaimed that functioning within this branch takes one outside the fold of Unix.

    Yet the interesting bit here is, that within this deviant methodology (commonly known as Linux), there are yet more deviating branches. Only Allah knows exactly how many sub-sects there are within this deviant group, but there are definitely more than 73!!!!

    Red-Hat, CentOS, Debian, Slackware, Knoppix and Gentoo are some of the widely held variations.

    And lets not forget Ubuntu – the most deviant of them all, which Abu Abdisalam unashamedly promotes and calls to!

    We must be aware of these deviant groups, lest we fall into their trap ourselves!

  130. Bilal

    May 19, 2009 at 8:45 AM

    hahaha I was like is he proclaiming adherence to a certain school of thought? LOL, Alhamdullilah I converted in June 2007 and can not even think about looking back :)

  131. Pingback: Yasir Qadhi: My Conversion – Admitting One’s Mistake and Moving On « Seeker’s Digest

  132. Ahmad-Qadri

    May 19, 2009 at 9:02 AM

    changing machines won’t solve your problem yasir. your REAL problem is your inability to understand program code and application functionality, and it is THAT character trait in the user that makes for a good computing experience. a user who understands this will enjoy either machine equally. happy mac’ing nonetheless ;)

  133. abu Rumay-s.a.

    May 19, 2009 at 9:03 AM

    @ ism:

    I agree ya shaikh…

    first Mac, then Ubuntu…What next? Where is the wala and where did the bara go?

    I wonder what is the hukm on such deviations?

  134. @sim

    May 19, 2009 at 9:37 AM

    Ya abu Rumay-s.a.,

    I think we already know part of the answer to your question

    As the scholars have mentioned, going down the path of Linux (which includes its sub-sect, Ubuntu) takes one out of the fold of Unix. As such, we must apply the hadd.

    As for Mac OS, although this is also a deviation from Unix, there is Ijmaa that it is still clearly within the fold of Unix. As such, i am unsure of the hukm.

    However, it is a deviation nonetheless, and as you’ve said, Haqq is Haqq, and Batil is Batil. We must consult the senior scholars and refer back to our pious predecessors to find what the hukm is.

    Be warned ya ikhwan! Follow not your desires for slim, shiny plastics, or chromed metal surfaces, for surely this will lead you to the path of destruction! This is surely the trickery of Steve Jobs!

    First he whispers with the was-was; it starts with the advertisements of a Mac vs a PC, promoting the corruption; then he forces you to pay for upgrades which shouldn’t cost you in the first place!

    Lastly, he blinds you with the pleasures of shoddy Chinese made products, so much so that you ignore any sense of reality. Verily it’s a path of destruction, if people only but knew!

  135. Asmaa

    May 19, 2009 at 9:41 AM

    It’s good for many reasons though:
    A virus-free interface for a lifetime. (I’d get bored though, it’s good to keep replacing the old notebooks with a new one)
    Since it wouldn’t be as colourful as windows, you will get to focus on the real deal.

    Mac- just comes off as being for the elite.

    Since I am from among the masses, I’ll let it pass.

    May Allaah make it a very beneficial experience for you ya Shaikh, and Insha Allaah we will get to learn more of it from you in the future..

  136. Basil

    May 19, 2009 at 10:02 AM

    Aoudhubillah. Sheikh, I advise you make sincere tawbah and repent from your computing kufr.

    Recite ayat al kursi and the quls to keep the shaytan from putting such disgusting whispers in your head. O Shaykh, we both know that Macs are nothing but overpriced, shiny doorstops.

  137. Amad

    May 19, 2009 at 10:10 AM

    Is there more to the “story” than just mac vs. PC… is there a hidden message, the only that only certain people can read into?

    I think shaykh sahib is just preparing us for something deeper :)

    • Anisa

      May 19, 2009 at 5:43 PM

      What, are you serious?…

  138. ZawjatuSaid

    May 19, 2009 at 10:51 AM

    Wow….that almost gave me a heart attack! I was in denial by the time I got to the middle of the article and had to jump to the end to see what was really going on. I’ve never been so happy and relieved that someone switched over to Macs :).

    I then left this page open and my husband ended up reading it and having the same reaction…haha.

    On a more serious note, may Allah swt guide us all on the straight path and keep us steadfast!

  139. Umm Sulaiman

    May 19, 2009 at 10:59 AM


    *-Jazak allah khair.. needed it

  140. Suhaib

    May 19, 2009 at 11:01 AM

    Hmmm, Fascinating

    Apple is bid’ah.

  141. mystrugglewithin

    May 19, 2009 at 11:03 AM

    @Amad, Yes there is a hidden message.. it’s that the schism in Ummah is analogous to the rift b/w users of these two methodologies, which are both wrong! But, there is only one true path, the path of destruction of these devilish computers from the entire globe!

    Many reasons, e.g. I do research on target marketing .. and i know how it works, but then i wonder why i always get “loose you weight” and “kiss it the right way” advertisements on my facebook & hotmail. This is Satan.. trust me!!! Hence, all of you are deviants .. and i take pride in comprehending the big picture out of this discussion.. Muahahah!

    To become a member of this TruePath, please visit ;)

  142. Amin

    May 19, 2009 at 11:15 AM

    loool, that was a good one, i can’t help but admit you scared me there sheikh!
    PS i never knew mac is that good…

  143. Nihal Khan

    May 19, 2009 at 11:35 AM

    I sense some esotericism….

  144. Abu Harun

    May 19, 2009 at 12:02 PM

    I thought you were talking about meat (Zabiha or not?) :) lol

  145. Niqaabis

    May 19, 2009 at 12:12 PM

    I love the Mac too

  146. AbuMaryam

    May 19, 2009 at 12:17 PM

    Beautifully written. Marvelous.

  147. Waleed

    May 19, 2009 at 12:56 PM

    Wait if we do taqleed of Shaykh Yasir, does that mean we have to convert too?

  148. Anas Khan

    May 19, 2009 at 1:02 PM


    I accept that scholars are just simple men and women. I also accept that every one needs the therapuetic release of laughter and comedy. Therefore, I accept that even scholars have the right to laugh and enjoy comedy; if any one says otherwise, they are forgetting that scholars are people. However, when someone writes an article titled “My Conversion – Admitting One’s Mistake and Moving On”- and equates the process of internal reflection to choosing between a mac or a PC, it is reflective of a lack of respect and gratefulness for the position Allah(s) has bestowed upon them.

    I can see how some will find humor in the substantive let down of the article, but to me it was an absolutely stupid post. There are people who, in their naivete, follow scholars and other respected individuals blindly (maybe following Yasir Qadhi into the MAc Kingdom is in fact the right thing to do), but the problem is that when a post is made on a very public forum like this, you run into some distinct outcomes: 1) People will read this article and be turned away by the indulgence into stupid topics, followed by the almost puppet like reponses affirming the nonexistent humor ; 2) People who are expecting something more substantive will be turned away because of the dissapointing lack of substance; and, 3) people might end up enjoying it.

    If this post was written with humor in mind, which is a perfectly acceptable reason for writing it, then maybe it should have been shared with people who understand the personality of the author. But i urge you to consider the following: When something is posted on a medium in which Information about Islam is shared with non-muslims and muslims who are not familiar with your organization, you shouldn’t handle it with such brevity. And it simply was not that funny.

    Just some thoughts…


    • ibnabeeomar

      May 19, 2009 at 3:51 PM

      perhaps advice is better received when it is not accompanied with multiple “stupid” attacks? :)

    • turtle

      May 19, 2009 at 4:43 PM

      If you don’t get it, don’t hate.

    • AsimG

      May 19, 2009 at 4:54 PM

      No YQ post would be complete without some harsh unsubstantiated criticism.

      Even in the humor section….lol

    • Douglas Kelly

      May 19, 2009 at 10:12 PM

      Dear ASA,

      As a relatively recent revert to Islam, and a very recent visitor to, I respectfully disagree with your assessment. If this site DIDN’T occasionally digress from the super-serious and have a good laugh once in a while, I think THAT would turn away more people.

      I don’t personally know Sh. Yasir at all, but his humor, as well as his acknowledgement of the humor of the Prophet Muhammad (saw), tell me he’s probably a pretty cool brother. And the type of Shaykh I would be far more inclined to follow than someone who had no sense of humor whatsoever.

      To your credit, I admit that I found it a little disturbing that the topic of Mac vs. PC would elicit SO much dialogue–while having little to do with our Deen. But then again, it’s something everyone can relate to–if you’re visiting this site, you’re using one operating system or another–and who am I to say the Ummah can’t have a little fun?

      I still love you for Allah’s sake and I hope you don’t get TOO much flak for expressing your opinion. May Allah (swt) guide us all.

    • maria

      May 21, 2009 at 12:39 AM

      although I personally found this joke very entertaining, I can imagine how it would be lost of those who are unfamiliar with Shaikh Yasir. However, i would also imagine that those who do not understand would just move on and that it would not become a huge source of confusion.

  149. Basil

    May 19, 2009 at 1:24 PM

    (Insert OFF DA MINHAJ joke here)

  150. ali mamoo

    May 19, 2009 at 1:25 PM

    as-salaamu ‘alaikum dear shaikh,

    May you return to your fitrah inshaAllah. Indeed the company one keeps has an affect on the heart.

    Almaghrib’s popularity will soar when you become a revert.

    Sh. MAC: aslaaaleikum, I’m a Mac
    Sh. YQ: uh..salaams, I’m a revert ….here, read this Ahmed Deedat Style refutation of your deviant kind
    Sh. MAC: oh subhanAllah, they deceived us into believing the MAC is closer to fitrah
    Sh. MAC: but wat about all time I’ve spent in their MACJID?
    Sh YQ: leave the MAC dunya behind brother it wont benefit you. It’s inferior. Astagfirullah. Repent now brother.



  151. Samir Hashmi

    May 19, 2009 at 2:55 PM

    I converted in October 2008, and I cannot go back. MAC > PC

  152. ulive

    May 19, 2009 at 3:17 PM

    There is Islamic version of UBUNTU which is call Sabily. It has all the Islamic software you can think of . It is a beautiful Islamic Linux Distor which needs support of the community. Here is link of their web:

  153. Anonymous

    May 19, 2009 at 3:23 PM


    i just couldnt wait and i ended up skim reading it then i got even more impatient, so i skipped it till i got right to the end and then the punch line just knockd me out!!!

    alhamdulilah may allah increase us in imaan and taqwa and may allah make us all the inhabitants of jannatul firdous and be saved from the hell fire, and may we save and take as many people as we can with us as possible inshallah (ameen)

  154. yahmtz

    May 19, 2009 at 3:32 PM

    Once you go Mac, you can’t go back.

    • MuslimaA

      May 19, 2009 at 5:52 PM

      No I think that only goes for black :)

      PC rules and MacDrools! <i hope you got the irish joke!

      *back to studying!

  155. Dawud Israel

    May 19, 2009 at 3:36 PM

    LOL…next thing you’ll see is a MM sponsored, “I’m a Mac and I’m a PC commercial !!”

    I can see how this post could cause some real problems…almost mocking some people? But let’s face it, we need to lighten up about this stuff and just relaaaaax…I’m tired of a high blood pressure Islam, I prefer a few giggles here and there!

    -sent from a PC, although I use a Macbook Air…us hybrids are a force to be reckoned with! –

  156. Abu Eesa, Yousuf

    May 19, 2009 at 3:43 PM

    SubhanAllah, The most horrible article that I have ever read. For a moment I thought I lost my brother.

  157. Mohamed Ibrahim

    May 19, 2009 at 4:00 PM

    Oh no, we lost a dear brother :D
    I assure you, I am still on the PC camp, but I am not a Windows guy, I am an Ubuntu (Linux) guy

  158. ar.m

    May 19, 2009 at 4:03 PM

    the world is now a much safer place

  159. Dawud Israel

    May 19, 2009 at 4:07 PM

    Does this mean…Yasir Qadhi will now be known as: iYasir Qadhi…or even better: iYQ


    • iMuslim

      May 19, 2009 at 4:28 PM

      iYQ does have a certain ring to it. :)

  160. ilmseeker

    May 19, 2009 at 4:38 PM

    Mac Rules PC Drools. Welcome to the club Sh YQ! :D

  161. ilmseeker

    May 19, 2009 at 4:44 PM

    Sh YQ get VMware Fusion to run Windows on your Mac.

  162. Pingback: Shaikh Yasir Qadhi: My Conversion! - LI Islamic Forum

  163. Zakir

    May 19, 2009 at 5:24 PM

    What a complete waste of my time!

    This is only amusing as Shk Yasir Qadhi wrote it.

  164. Nihal Khan

    May 19, 2009 at 5:39 PM

    Allahumma inni As’aluka minal PC wa Windows, wa ‘Aoothubika minal MAC wa Linux wa Red Hat. Ameen.

  165. Shibli Zaman

    May 19, 2009 at 5:57 PM

    I am sorry to digress from all the jovial snickers and giggles here, but, with all due respect, I found this to be cocky and snide. You can’t compare this to the Prophet’s (صلى الله عليه وسلم) joke about the old woman and Jannah. He (عليه صلاة والسلام) did not tease his followers into thinking that he was switching one belief to another.

    Allah knows best, but I feel that Shaykh Yasir should have hesitated a little more. The scholars have not abandoned any Sunnah by refraining from this kind of jest and mockery.

    Also, let’s call a spade a spade. We all know what the “other side” is here. Imagine yourself as an Ash`ari reading this. It derogates them and is basically saying for someone to become an Ash`ari is a joke.

    Humor is great and I’ve seen many scholars leave you on the floor rolling and entertained while maintaining Hikmah and not making a joke of any individual or group. Shaykh Mustafa Mahmoud of Houston’s North Zone is a classic example of this.

    Allah knows best.

    • AsimG

      May 19, 2009 at 7:45 PM

      I see your point, but the post was vague enough to not represent the sufi/salafi division.

      It could have been about Sunni/Shia, Sufi/Salafi, Madhab/non-madhab, zabiha/non-zabiha (which was I first though), etc.

      If he mentioned names or anything of that nature, you would have a point.

      And again, this was posted in the HUMOR section. What more could have the Shaykh done?

      Wallahu Alim

      • seeker

        May 21, 2009 at 2:21 AM

        are u really being serious with your post here? that Shaykh’s post was implying something OTHER than the salafi/madhabi differences? you’re not talking to first graders here bro. quit with the spin.

    • Amad

      May 20, 2009 at 8:18 PM

      I find it interesting that you assume something from the article, and then want everyone to call a spade a spade? What if it isn’t a spade? And since when did humor become mockery?

      You are obviously a minority in seeing it as a spade; perhaps that should have led you to question your own judgment rather than question most everyone else’s including Yasir.

      • Shibli Zaman

        May 21, 2009 at 8:02 AM

        “I find it interesting that you assume something from the article, and then want everyone to call a spade a spade? What if it isn’t a spade”

        Bro, with all due respect, are you quoting the Matrix with this “there is no spade/spoon” thing? What exactly was the Shaykh referring to? The entire point of the post was to make the reader assume he was “converting” to an ideology that he had previously refuted. As can be seen (with great dismay and concern) from the readers’ comments some believed he was leaving Islam. Some beleived he was becoming a Sufi/Ash`ari. Some believed he was leaving Islam by becoming a Sufi/Ash`ari.

        With Shaykh Yasir’s `Aqidah classes and articles of refutation available on the internet, what exactly was he alluding to? Taoism?

        “And since when did humor become mockery?”

        Ummmmm…since always? Humor has always been misused for mockery. What kind of question is this?

        “You are obviously a minority in seeing it as a spade”

        News Flash: You and I are also minorities in being MUSLIM. Point being?

        “perhaps that should have led you to question your own judgment rather than question most everyone else’s including Yasir.”

        Whose judgment exactly did I question besides Shaykh Yasir’s?

        News Flash again: He’s human.

        The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and his Khulafa’ Rashidun were questioned frequently by the Sahaba (رضي الله عنهم). Please don’t undermine our right as Muslims to respectfully disagree and question our scholars. This is not Mubarak’s Egypt (الحمد لله). In spite of any disagreements I may have with his views, I have never in my life expressed anything but esteem for Shaykh Yasir to him and to others in his absence and Allah is a witness to this.

        This post was not befitting of him. He is a witty individual (ما شاء الله) and could have, and has in the past, expressed his very well liked humorous side in a more responsible manner.

        Allah knows best.

        P.S. Many of us, including myself, have been using Apple computers since 1982 :) Welcome aboard.

  166. Billal

    May 19, 2009 at 6:40 PM

    Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakaatuhu,

    Forget this, my build up was worse! I entered the masjid for ‘ishaa and a brother had on a serious face and said “brother have you received the email?” I naturally was like OMG who died who got shot what product is out? XBOX 720??

    The brother continues!…”…about Yaasir Qadhi and his conversion?”

    I was like “NOOO…tell me tell me converted to what???”…”no bro just ask someone to send you the link” (walks away all angry looking)!!

    I was all worried all the way home thinking *what am I gonna do about this sciences of the Qur’an book?*

    Then I find out that he has become a MAC-hivelian! I have at long been at war with my own brother about this and now we have to up our game!

    Its cool guys honestly just let me speak with Bill Gates about “Operation MAC storm”

    Jokes aside! Jazakallah Khayr, made my day!

    Your bro,


  167. Anisa

    May 19, 2009 at 6:42 PM

    Asalaamu Alaiakum

    Oh My Lord Allah, thank you for saving me from a heart attack haha :)

    I originally read a post on Leechon Films, and brother Belal said something to the effect that he witnessed your conversion, and i was thinking conversion to what!? A million thoughts running in my head i rushed over….or rather clicked over to MM to see what this was all about. I didn’t have the patience to read the whole article, I went straight to the last line, when I did subhanAllah *ohhh sweet relief*. lol Alhamdulilah.

    Masha’ALlah you are very funny, much respect to you Sheikh, very well written article….and I’m a die hard PC user, but I see the benefits of Mac, I probably will never go the ‘other side’ but Allah Knows Best! It must have been those commercials that go to you. :D

    On another note, To be honest, part of me is kind of nervous, as this article can be misinterpreted by the blamers! Who will say you are making a mockery of the deen, and issues of manhaj, and of course they will add their own opinions, thoughts on what you ‘really meant’, your hidden agenda lol’. Never mind husna dhan, they know what you mean! Come on! They are the qalb readers, subhanAllah they know what you are going to say even before you say it lol. I won’t be suprised to see a 100 page refutation soon!….Really, I’m amazed at how big our imaginations get sometimes, masha’Allah….

    But then again, I shouldn’t be nervous, that’s their job….to find fault with any and every single thing Muslims do in order to take them permanently ‘off the manhaj’. They must get a thrill from it or something. May Allah guide us all, ameen

    Anyways, Allah knows your intentions, and that is all that matters, it isn’t haraam to make jokes after all! :) It’s funny because just the other week my professor was actually surprised when he was invited to a Muslim comedy nighy event, he was excited to go. he thought was cool that Muslims can laugh and makes jokes, even about themselves.

    Well sorry for the long post, I enjoyed the article and comments

    Keep up the good work Sheikh


  168. shahgul

    May 19, 2009 at 6:44 PM

    You just gave Mac some free publicity. No matter which side lost, it was corporat America that won.

    • Gizmo

      May 19, 2009 at 7:01 PM

      Masha ‘Allah, nice observation!

    • Dawud Israel

      May 19, 2009 at 7:04 PM


      So how much did Sh. iYQ get paid for this?!?!

      • AsimG

        May 19, 2009 at 7:46 PM

        I think we need some free tickets to Ilm summit…

  169. Omar

    May 19, 2009 at 6:54 PM

    I thought it was going to be about some fine nuanced Islamic issue, but you got us all sheikh. :)

    Is it just about mystique or is there a lesson we are supposed to draw from the dramatic style.

  170. Rizak

    May 19, 2009 at 6:58 PM

    Astaghfirullah, those things are PACKED with INNOVATION

    “Apple’s new notebooks answer the call for innovation” (infoworld)

  171. Rizak

    May 19, 2009 at 7:00 PM

    Also, it’s a very expensive manhaj to follow.

    • Something

      May 19, 2009 at 8:12 PM

      not unless you’re ballin like Shaykh YQ.

  172. محمد الجيلان

    May 19, 2009 at 7:08 PM

    دروس مستفادة ..

    1- الثبات بيد الله سبحانه و تعالى

    2- علينا أن نتبع الحق لا الأشخاص

    3- أن نقتدي بمن مات ، فالحي لا تؤمن عليه الفتنة

    جزاكم الله خيرا

  173. pciswhack

    May 19, 2009 at 7:18 PM

    PC’s are off the manhaj

  174. rr

    May 19, 2009 at 8:25 PM

    I didn’t quite get the British humor. But I do appreciate the messages in between the lines.

  175. Amatullah

    May 19, 2009 at 9:21 PM

    Wow I wasn’t expecting this many comments! Now we know what else draws in the most readers besides marriage…shaykh YQ and his new manhaj.

  176. Kashif

    May 19, 2009 at 9:27 PM

    haha. shaykh got jokes.

    Shaykh YQ, we will be missing you at ICNA! Thats when i first heard you speak, during the youth conference. I was simply amazed!

  177. Fulaanah

    May 19, 2009 at 9:39 PM

    Har har?

    It would have been better without the last line.

  178. Shirien

    May 19, 2009 at 10:01 PM


    Makes me wonder how many of us actually practiced husn-ul-than when reading this post? :) I guess that’s a huge lesson we can learn.

    • Anisa

      May 19, 2009 at 10:48 PM

      Good point sis

  179. sabiwabi

    May 19, 2009 at 10:37 PM

    That has to be the funniest thing that I have read in over a year. Bravo! Never saw that last line coming!

  180. Syed Shoaib

    May 20, 2009 at 1:11 AM

    Asalamualaikum ya shaykh…next time inshaAllah this same post will be written regarding more important issues. ;) lol.

    jazakAllahu khair…im a mac fan also…but im using a pc :(

  181. Syed Shoaib

    May 20, 2009 at 1:13 AM

    I forgot, now you and shaykh faraz can agree on something.

  182. abu Rumay-s.a.

    May 20, 2009 at 1:55 AM

    Ya Shaikh Yasir:

    In spite of this innovation and deviation :) , I have to admit, since HAQ is HAQ…the Prophet (saws) is reported to have said :

    (من أفضل العمل إدخال السرور على المؤمن (المصدر: صحيح الجامع – الصفحة أو الرقم: (5897

    “From the best of deeds is to bring “happiness” upon a believer” and after having read all the comments, I pray that you are entitled to the reward of this hadeeth. You achieved 99.05% MHR “Mu’min Happiness Ratio” (208/210) from readers…

    I would like to say to you what Umar (ra) used to say to the Prophet (saws):

    أضحك الله سنك

    May Allah ta`ala keep your teeth exposed smiling and happy..ameen.

  183. VM

    May 20, 2009 at 7:03 AM

    OMG – I was expecting to be totally shocked and while reading was thinking to myself, ‘This can’t be happening + more fitna will ensure’ until I read the last line.

    Not to mention my friend, who I haven’t spoken to in a while sent me this e-mail saying I had to read this and that she didn’t have any comments because her mouth was still hanging open.

  184. A2Youth

    May 20, 2009 at 9:44 AM

    Very intense post, had me the whole time!

    Anyway, here is a nice lecture video by Sheikh Yasir: Defending the Prophet Against Orientalist Critique

    Worth watching since many people thought this is what he was converting to :P

  185. Danish Hasan

    May 20, 2009 at 10:28 AM

    you should probably know i read most article bottom up…..specially on MM….

    nice trick….expensive conversion…have fun….

    the conversion – not worth the time nor money, for me atleast…

  186. ExEx Blogger

    May 20, 2009 at 11:41 AM

    What’s funny is that people think and honestly dream that YQ is going to convert from Sunni Islam to Sufism? One person in the comments referred to Sufism as “more moderate.” What?!

    Funny post…but I think YQ is admitting to something else. I think that he’s saying how he’s disowned TROID and SPUBS for Salman Al-Awdah and Safar Hawaali and more mainstream dawah.

    YQ…I know you do. :)
    Let the brazenness begin!

  187. ExEx Blogger

    May 20, 2009 at 11:53 AM

    Oh wait, I forgot maybe YQ is getting royalties for speaking on behalf of MAC. Perhaps the new ads, “I’m a mac and I’m a PC” will feature him. Don’t you worry people! I know you do taqleed of YQ more than that of some people towards “paths”and “Madth-habs”. Go ahead! You will all be referred to as..Qudaahs (plural for Qaadee (judge))! Go ahead and buy yourself a MAC. You know you want to.

  188. Pingback: yasir “funnyman” qadhi carries a Mac- kamathalil himaari yahmilu asfaara! « How wahhabies deceive honest Muslims.

  189. Pingback: My Response to Shaykh Yasir Qadhi’s “Conversion” and to all Mac users | MR's Blog

  190. Dawud Israel

    May 20, 2009 at 1:32 PM

    Am I the only one who thinks this post could cause some damage? I mean, especially with all the talk of Salvification? Salafi clique much…! What again? NEXT!

    It’s open to interpretation…so can draw fire from any crowd and, well, to be honest…its kinda arrogant…or mocking arrogance. For one thing, converting…from what…to what? Uber-subjective! But then on the same token, its clear to read in the article, iYQ knows the faults in conforming only to one side without seeing the other…and yet, most of the comments fall back into the same flawed ideological thinking- our side is the saved one, (ignore the fact I know diddly squat about the rest of the ummah) and so, you kinda have problem where people didn’t quite get that message. This is what I think of as “bar room humor.” Drunk…on laughter. :(

    The other problem I see from this is some people will be offended, but we will drown them out with our laughter. In other words, because we see it as “only a joke,” it therefore cannot register as being offensive to others. Think, Danish cartoon of Nabi Muhammad salallahu alayhi wasalam…thats funny! Right? WRONG! But who cares right…”Its funny as long as I am not offended” ? Yeah, I laughed but LOL is not a justification IMO, nor a cure…just a way of ignoring stuff and it can create more tension. Keep laughing stuff off…until you push them away entirely and they give up on any chance of building strong relationships.

    I’m going to cut to the chase here: since when did humor become so…necessary or needed? I can see it trying to be used to build bridges, but just as much, it is going to create problems as well. Whatever bridges there were…just got a little more rickety. Whats going to be the consequence of that? Was a few laughs worth that gamble? You know who reads this blog…and you know, it seems like your fronting calling it “muslim matters” when it represents a small fraction of muslims…and then still, lets rub it in everyone’s face the fact this is nothing but a clique? Maybe some more hikmah and discretion be needed!?!

    I personally, felt, as funny as this was…its somewhat denigrating to the word “shaykh”…in other words, the fact our shaykhs are also our comedians erodes the dignity of our deen a little bit. No? Since when did we have so much to laugh about and so much time to crack jokes…sorry, but when theres so much comic Muslims, I get uneasy on our priorities. Right right, we can’t have a little fun can we? Sure we can…but at what expense?

    Not really befitting the deen and lets face it…its going to hurt shaykh’s credibility and I think, in a sense, portray him as childish, even more after the fact of being a student of Tony Blair. Its naive to think this little comic stint won’t have some repercussions, especially if you try to give it a “Sunnah-spin.” I can’t help but imagine Imam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimullah) rolling over in his grave. If you can’t at least accept the fact some of our great shuyookh wouldn’t approve of this, then I think theres a real misconception of how much they did for the deen.

    Anyways, Shirien is right. Husn-udhan is needed here. Sh. iYQ is as pukka Saudi-Desi as they come. I personally can see, why Sh. iYQ would post this…when Madinah University has attached the shaykh and there are all these stupid arguments on whose ego is bigger, one would sooner or later just no longer give a damn. And cynical humor results…lets face it, most of us would do the same or at least consider it. When ya tired of it all and got nothing else to say what else is there to do but laugh…? Heck, its what white people do all the time. Lets assimilate.

    • Osman Azam

      May 20, 2009 at 2:34 PM

      Lighten up a little. Always being strict and harsh it what scares people away from being religious. A lot of people view “religious” people as being strict and harsh and never having any fun. This stereotype needs to be broken.

      • Dawud Israel

        May 20, 2009 at 2:37 PM

        I’m just thinking out loud here…don’t take me too seriously.

        Its the first time to my memory a devoted student of knowledge has written something like this, so I think its unrealistic to ignore what it might mean or what the ramifications of it may be.

        • Amad

          May 20, 2009 at 8:20 PM

          Dawud, is it absolutely necessary to take contrarion positions on all posts? When you write something, there is no reason for people not to take you seriously. You know that this sort of stuff has bitten you before… be careful of what you try to bite off… it might be too big to swallow… just a brotherly advice.

          • Green Child

            May 20, 2009 at 9:06 PM

            Gross! – when you’re eating and you just take a gorilla sized bite, you can’t even close your mouth, and you make all them eating sounds …. just gross.

            I agree with Amad, :

            be careful of what you try to bite off…. it might be to big to swallow

          • syed Danish Hasan

            May 20, 2009 at 10:26 PM

            wait who’s biting and who’s getting bitten….be clear…..

            I wish i could take a bite of that special caudate lobe of a fish’s liver…..

            Narrated Anas that the Prophet salAllahu ‘alayhi wa salaam answered, “…the first meal of the people of Paradise will be Extra-lobe (caudate lobe) of fish-liver. ” [bukhari]

    • Green Child

      May 20, 2009 at 8:59 PM

      I think you’re over exaggerating the situation of humour in the commnunity.

      “The other problem I see from this is some people will be offended’

      Oh no, YQ uses a Mac! What am I to do, all of these years I’ve been loyal to PC. C’mon brother, who would possibly get offended by this article – who doesn’t have psychological issues. And comparing this to the Danish cartoon doesn’t do you much good either except that it shows you are over generalizing. Quite frankly you have said more offensive things in your comment than a Mac vs PC joke.

      “When ya tired of it all and got nothing else to say what else is there to do but laugh…? Heck, its what white people do all the time.”

      Yeah, of course you should know ’cause you’re the spokesman for all white people.

      “I’m going to cut to the chase here: since when did humor become so…necessary or needed?”

      YQ makes one mild joke, and all of a sudden humour has become necessary and needed. If your statement is made to address “Muslims Comedians” than yeah ok, i get your point and I even agree with you, but don’t take it out on the Shaykh – and it’s not like a seminar or a lecture by Shaykhs in this day and age is all just poops and giggles.

      You’re making a mountain out of a molehill. Yes there are muslims who are crossing some serious boundaries whilst trying to be funny for the sake of attention, and yes, even in the non-celebrity portion of the ummah there are many brothers that are always trying to crack a laugh – but this article by YQ is not one of those examples.

      If you want to make a point about the problem of “funny islam”, then this is not the place to do it, because quite simply a Mac vs PC article is NOT in any sane form of thinking, problematic.

    • AsimG

      May 21, 2009 at 1:55 AM

      I understand your hesitancy and I don’t think it is a bad thing, but I think a little more respectful tact is necessary next time (the TB thing is out of line)

      Shaykh Yasir is not a “scholar” nor is this obsession with titles healthy. Personally, I’m tired of the stereotypical desi “maulanas” and “muftis” who can’t crack a smile and walk around frowning at everyone. Is this of the sunnah?

      Humor IS necessary in this day and age!
      A major chunk of our ummah does not pray. Sins from lying, pornography and interest are running rampant (even with those that pray). Do we just sit here and tell our shaykhs to act more “shaykh-like” (whatever that is) and expect change?

      Do you have any idea how many desis hate “religious Muslims” because to them, “religious Muslims” seem hateful, unapproachable and inhuman? A lot in Chicago…

      Our “shaykhs” need to be approachable, they need to be human and yes, they need to crack jokes once in a while.
      Imam Siraj Wahhaj, Imam Zaid Shakir and Shaykh Hamza Yusuf all understand this and constantly crack jokes.

      How you view the post is how you see Shaykh Yasir. (I initially thought Shaykh Waleed convinced him to go non-zabiha). If you see him negatively, then you will see this post in a negative light.
      In the end, he just played with words and became a spokeshaykh for Mac.

      And wow, comparing this article to the cartoon depictions is REALLY out there. Those cartoons were meant to make fun of Islam and Prophet Muhammad (S) and were done with hateful intentions.
      Are you really trying to state that Shaykh Yasir did something similiar?


      • Dawud Israel

        May 23, 2009 at 1:42 AM

        I do know how to take a joke guys… I cracked a few in these comments as well and found this article pretty hilarious myself. But after thinking about it, I saw how this could be seen as really disgusting and arrogant to certain people.

        I’ll try and re-iterate what I said, in more nuanced, less impulsive language (yes I am aware of my weaknesses!) because I don’t think it registered. This is a critique (not an attack or refutation or whatnot) because whether you like it or not, this article clearly did offend some people. I’m trying to get at why it offended them, (although there could be other reasons).

        1) Not listening to people who didn’t think your joke was funny, no matter how many other people laughed. Plenty laugh at racist jokes, but that doesn’t justify them. If you can’t recognize only a select crowd is laughing along with you, there is a problem. Adab?

        2) Comedy’s role in Islamic work: Its not necessary nor precisely needed. I know Sh. iYQ makes jokes, he makes good ones too. (This is not exactly necessary neither…I can recall many dawah lectures to non-Muslims where speakers have spent more time cracking jokes, than actually doing direct dawah.) Thats not exactly what were discussing here, but I think comedy has its place in private, for religious speakers, not in a public performce. For a shaykh to do so, is demeaning to his status as spokesperson for Islam- I feel they should know better. (the TB comment was not intended to sound malicious, just a statement of how this, could hurt Sh. iYQ’s reputation).

        2) Muslim Comedy offending Muslims: What I am particularly troubled by, is the limits placed on “Muslim” humor. This article, does, as many comments point out, mock a very large segment of Muslims and people did take offense. How wise is this? I mean, we all know tensions among our community, right? So is it worth a few laughs to gamble on that? I think its not too considerate of possibly igniting old tensions and the bridges people are trying to build in our fragmented ummah.

        3) My group is Saved: The article makes the point (at least up until the last line) of “potential conversion” and not knowing whether your group is better than the other. But the comments here demonstrate the majority of people are stuck on their own little narrow interpretation of Islam, considering the other interpretations as blasphemous and destined for hell-fire. If you read the article, take note of the big debates and what the major division in our community is over, its clear as to what was being referenced int he article. I have no issue with peoples own interpretation, but when it becomes hostile to others or comes off as potentially encouraging hostilities, its an issue. The comment portray such narrow-minded thinking its troubling. It encourages prejudice and fosters hatred for our fellow Muslim brothers. This history of argumentation has lead to serious friction in our communities…and these comments, which none of the MM staff have called out, demonstrate how dead brotherhood has become. I would personally call out the same potential for hostility had it been targeted against Salafis.

        Overall, I think more considerations should be made as to how something will be received and considered by your Muslim brothers. Otherwise, I push again, to call a spade a spade: Salafi Matters, not Muslim Matter. And then very few of my criticisms will be valid since the context has changed and you can be as exclusivist as you desire.

        • AsimG

          May 23, 2009 at 2:01 AM

          A much better critique alhamdillah.

          I think points 1, 2 and 2 (you meant 3 but typed 2) are good points and insha’Allah someone can address them.

          Point 3 is a bit more of a jump and brings up a lot of ideological issues that don’t really need to be brought up in this article.

        • Green Child

          May 23, 2009 at 3:48 PM

          Yeah – sorry bro – I think I got the wrong idea. I was mainly trying to point out that although “funny islam” is a problem – Yasir Qadhi is not the main guy to blame.

          Anyways, regarding “my group is saved” – i do agree with you. There are a lot of comments here that are like : “Oh – you almost gave me a heart attack, i thought you were going to be one of those damned hanafis!” – and I think I recall ” I was about to burn all of my YQ books!”

          That is definitely a sad reality of how messed up this ummah is and how much fitnah there is among us. It’s like we were all hiding what we think about Salafis/Hanafi’s or w/e and then boom – we react to a joke with what we really feel in our hearts down here in the comments section about eachother.

          But maybe that’s a separate problem than “funny islam” – i think that these kinds of comments are the manifestations of the disease of arrogance – that only my group is saved.

          can’t conclude my thoughts……

    • Asmaa

      May 21, 2009 at 8:00 PM

      assalaamoalaikum ya akhi,

      i think the shaikh was being very eloquent.. it wouldn’t be right to equate your jokes on the forums [just an eg] to degrade your username.. [dawud israel]

      shaikh said that he was hesitant before posting this.. it’s a reality check for all of us. are we hesitant when it comes to jumping to conclusions..? or do we hesitate before posting harsh comments or saying things like ‘the sheikh is no more a sheikh in my eyes..’ or ‘is a sheikh of lesser degree now’

      how many of us here can stick to the topic here? the shaikh spoke the truth here, the talk about manhaj and all falls into place.. And Allaah knows best.

      perhaps people should stop reading too much into this.. have they got nothing better to do than trying to pull the people down..?

      this isn’t totally directed at you.. the horizons are included in it.. so who ever comes to read this post.. please, take it lightly.. don’t feel bad..

      Let’s be better than that and remember.. Our stay here and with anyone is for a short while, let’s not frown at others for what they did and said.. and forgive and forget and smile..

      • Anum H

        May 21, 2009 at 8:10 PM

        Masha’Allah very well said. I completely agree, we should step away from finding the faults of one another, and gloss over things that are simply, quite trivial. We sometimes come to a point, where most of the things may be nice and good, but we take the smallest things and blow it out of proportion.

        Allah knows best, and we all have this fault with in us, and may Allah guide us towards the right path.

  191. Danish Hasan

    May 20, 2009 at 1:56 PM

    so like…..


    anyone see the moon? who saw the moon?

    it’s sooo pretty

    • syed shoaib

      May 20, 2009 at 7:59 PM

      dude danish, i was on my balcony last night…and i saw the moon…it was soooo beautiful…if only i was married :(

      USMiLE step 1.

      • syed Danish Hasan

        May 20, 2009 at 10:22 PM

        subhanAllah bro…

        i saw it on my way back home….

        makes you wonder how beautiful the Prophet (salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam)’s smile was….

        and this wasnt even the full moon yday

        I wish i was with the Prophet (salAllahu ‘alayhi waSallam), sitting at a well, with our legs hanging…looking at the moon(probably something better in Jannah) and look at sal Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam’s face and trying to make him smile, and being unable to tell which one is better.

        With our first STEP into jannah


      • syed Danish Hasan

        May 20, 2009 at 10:28 PM

        arent u supposed to be back in Normal….

        i wish i was with the Prophet salAllahu’alayhi wa sallam…

        (USMLE STEP1 is nothing to smile about)

        with first STEP into Jannah

  192. Gohar

    May 20, 2009 at 2:09 PM

    There’ll be others who’ll agree with what you’ve said, but based on the feedback, you’re definitely in the minority. I think this post is healthy. It may even be mildly therapeutic for some.

  193. Pingback: Why We Need Fiqh of Humor « MUSLIMOLOGY.ORG

  194. Dawud Israel

    May 20, 2009 at 2:40 PM

    BTW, I was going to say…notice how people think this post refers to them and there group and their own little worlds.

    Doesn’t that say something about how insular and unconnected these little groups are from the rest of the community?

  195. Gohar

    May 20, 2009 at 3:20 PM

    Don’t understand where your last comment has come from. Its just not a good idea to pour water onto other people’s fireworks.

  196. enosh

    May 20, 2009 at 3:37 PM

    oh man… what about all the file attachments on emails that you won’t be able to open, or software that won’t work, how bout the feelings of being in the computing minority- with the inabilitiy to interface as effectively with the world. Are these rumors? or half-truths? or am I frantically looking for a claim, as many around me drop like flies into the “mac-world”, now including family members and respected teachers!

  197. Haji

    May 20, 2009 at 4:36 PM

    Assalamu-Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah

    I think it’s quite funny that so many people were having anxiety attacks at Sheikh Yasir Qadhi’s article.

    There’s more to life than just PCs and Macs…and they can both exist peacefully!

  198. muslimah

    May 20, 2009 at 5:04 PM

    As-salamu -alaykum,

    i think i must be the only one that read the whole thing calmly without skipping and having a ‘heart attack’ lolzz i knew there was a catch when i read the title, so i read it patiently till the end. :)

  199. mr forest

    May 20, 2009 at 5:25 PM

    although this may be somewhat creative and amusing, it is a bit inappropriate and disrespectful if you actually think about it for a while. it is in a way mocking traditional islam and belittling it…

    • Amad

      May 20, 2009 at 8:12 PM

      I think the more you bring attention to something which doesn’t really exist, it will in fact start appearing to you and others. If you look hard enough, you can find anything, just like people can see images in the sky!

      • Dawud Israel

        May 21, 2009 at 11:19 AM

        At least LISTEN to others and consider it !!
        Since when did MM have a zabiha/non-zabiha discussion? Or a Shia-Sunni discussion? Last, I remember there’s been only a few big elephant in the room…

        Look dude, if you got a blog and post an article…get ready for a critique. Its blogging, not a fashion show. If you think it hurts…leave it.

        I’m not an authority on this, I’m just asking questions. And dude, I hope by now you are used to me and my over the top rants. I know I make mistakes in what I say, and its my shortcoming and unfortunate circumstance I don’t have any role models to follow in doing so with proper adab. An article is nothing compared to a living example to follow. There’s nothing I would appreciate more than to have someone to imitate in how to critique, give nasiha and make people reconsider…but I don’t have that luxury…so forgive me for that. Theres a whole bunch of us like this, who have good intentions but we come across as more combative and insulting because of the past history of argumentation in our community.

        Deal with it.

        • ibn alHyderabadee

          May 21, 2009 at 12:14 PM

          dude…dawud…i thought i had your email…..i guess i dont….

          i think we used to chat through fbook, which i dont have anymore

          email me: syeddanishhasan [at]

    • J

      May 21, 2009 at 12:15 PM

      you mean “traditional” Islam.

  200. Humza Arshad

    May 20, 2009 at 6:12 PM

    Now let’s c u ppl hate on mac pplz
    U hate on mac ppl u hate on Yasir Qadhi!
    U hate on Yasir Qadhi u

    • Asmaa

      May 21, 2009 at 8:28 PM

      This says a lot about.. the person who just said this!

      Mac is still uncommon in my area..desert people aren’t so familiar with it either.. just the usual hp, toshiba too.

  201. seeker

    May 21, 2009 at 2:10 AM

    i agree with mrforest. I find it disturbing how people were scared at the thought that Shaykh Yasir was becoming Hanafi/Sufi as if he were leaving the religion of Islam. How sad and Shaykh, you should know better than to promote this type of fitna.

    • Asmaa

      May 21, 2009 at 8:34 PM

      Don’t we all just love our brothers and sisters in Islaam so much that some of us are actually going to hold a grudge for quite sometime after reading this article?

      How intense our emotions are.. Let’s make duas while these intense emotions last. May Allaah keep the bond of brotherhood among the Muslims strong and make it stronger..

  202. Dawud Israel

    May 21, 2009 at 11:32 AM

    Me and my grade 4 level education have but one thing to say to you:

    (clicky lol)

  203. J

    May 21, 2009 at 11:41 AM

    As-Salam Alaykum.

    When I read the title of this article and a few paragraphs, there was a lump in my throat. I couldn’t read any more, and had to take a few deep breaths before I proceeded. I am a huge self-professed YQ fan/groupie. (Ustadh Yasir may not remember, but I met him last ISNA, where he dutifully chastised me for calling myself his groupie.)

    Anyways, I seriously felt nauseous reading this article. I was thinking to myself: Oh no, now Abuz Zubair and co.–and SPUBS/Troid on the other side–will say “see, we told you so!” I was feeling sick to my stomach.

    Thank Allah [swt] that this was a joke. May Allah [swt] preserve Ustadh Yasir and keep him in the camp of Ahl at-Tawheed, and away from those who are soft towards shirk. Ustadh Yasir, you don’t need to be Salafi–just Salafi-ish. ;)

    Fi Aman Allah

  204. Ron Ibn Abi Paul Al-AntiIlluminati

    May 21, 2009 at 12:15 PM

    I have to admit, I almost passed out towards the end. Phew!

  205. Osman Azam

    May 21, 2009 at 4:28 PM

    No matter what is posted, some people can find a way to make a controversy out of anything.

  206. Aliya

    May 21, 2009 at 4:41 PM

    Mac is the only way to go…I’m glad you’ve finally seen the light.

  207. Osman Azam

    May 21, 2009 at 4:45 PM

    Macs are basically PCs these days. The only difference is that they are running OSX and cost $1000 more.

  208. Abdurrahman

    May 21, 2009 at 8:03 PM

    WOW…I almost cried!

  209. J

    May 22, 2009 at 3:31 AM

    Yasir Qadhi Zindabad!
    Yasir Qadhi Zindabad!
    Yasir Qadhi Zindabad!
    Yasir Qadhi Zindabad!
    Yasir Qadhi Zindabad!
    Yasir Qadhi Zindabad!

  210. Tawhid & Sunnah

    May 22, 2009 at 8:08 AM

    Sheikh Yasir – don’t give up the day job!

    Though lol – my heart skipped a beat! I would have had to burn all my Yasir Qadhi books and demanded a refund from the many seminars I attend where the Sheikh taught us!

    One thing I would say after reading some of the comments, where the comments turned serious! (Even though the article was and is supposed to be light hearted!) … is people should not confuse fiqh with aqeedah!!! So what if you use the hanafi fiqh or come to think about it any other madhab as a tool/methodology of learning. Being a “Hanafi” doesn’t mean your aqeedah is messed up! So called Quran and sunnah aka Salafis (if there was ever a contradiction in the meaning of term as opposed to our pious salafs) believe if your on a madhab especially a Hanafi your aqeedah all messed up!

    I am studying the Hanabli fiqh as point of learning because the Scholars of the ummah – Sheikh Bin Baz and Shiekh Uthaymeen (May Allah be please with them both) said it was permissible to learn a madhab as a starting point – this has always been the methodology of ahl sunnah wal jammah BUT a madhab “should be a means but not the end!” I am Quran & sunnah but in a holistic approach!

    So please brothers and sisters – don’t do aqeedah bashing based on a person fiqh. Sorry for getting serious….

    Back to the point – Shiekh Yasir, funny article – I always knew there was a funny streak in you!


  211. Zi

    May 22, 2009 at 2:27 PM

    These images sum up the argument quite well:

  212. Samir H.

    May 22, 2009 at 11:15 PM

    I’m fully convinced after reading some of your comments every single thing that Shaykh Yasir Qadhi does must go back to the Salafi issue. Next thing you know, Yasir Qadhi is going to write an article about him eating a bag of doritos, while people write essays about the incident crying foul…. oh wait….. :)

  213. Suleiman

    May 23, 2009 at 2:08 AM

    SubhanAllah, too many people are being influenced by the Mac-eologists.

    Though I am not a lover of Windows (or Microsoft), the methodology that Mac teaches needs to be exposed.

    First off, the price. We all know how hard it is to take out a few hundred dollars more for a Mac. And of course, they just had to make it difficult (and more expensive) to upgrade, while Windows is a lot easier (reformatting).

    Second off, the crash rates on Windows are due to third-party software. Most of the time Mac crashes is because of faulty OS programming. :o

    Thirdly, the sleek design of Mac is a master of disguise. The entire box is a stray sect!

    Then you got the Mac mouse which clicks all at once.

    Lastly, multi-tasking on Windows is a lot more efficient than with Mac. On the plus side, Mac’s are good for media software.

    InshaAllah no one takes this seriously (or as seriously as we took Sheikh Yasir’s post). Macs are OK.

    On another note, there is a new sect called “Android OS”. ;-)
    SubhanAllah, so many sects!

  214. a

    May 23, 2009 at 6:13 AM

    it indicates the thickness of the top-floor. if one has to read so much to arrive at pretty obvious things, you can extrapolate how much more mistaken one can be in grave and complex matters. mainly because he has not seen the ‘other side’

    but still, he just buys a mac and USES it. he does not read anything concerning principles nor design. and does not say: every mac user should go back to microprocessor design and architecture. and you are in great folly if you have not read knuth.

    and before launching any application, every user should examine the underlying APIs; otherwise, they are committing bid’ah without resorting to original sources.

    if at all there was a ‘methodology’ for platforms/OSes, then UNIX would be it. it is older than most popular OSes and is model for many other superior operating systems similar to it – like linux for example.

    now, some people who think that everybody should use a blue-box, claim that linux causes disunity and their strait-jacketed expensive system is the panacea.

    their misunderstanding is because there see various linux distributions around. this is because, they don’t see the flexibility that the OS gives people to adapt it to their own environment, without sacrificing the core principles or functionality.

    it can be ubuntu or suse; red-hat or fedora. gnome or kde. but the kernel is the same.

    the second major issue is that, many thousands of pairs-of-eyes examine the code and correct mistakes, improve upon it and so forth. only those who have ever managed a large development team can appreciate the challenges and the luxury of ‘many-pairs-of-eyes’ examining the code.

    there are certain frameworks that become popular and due to heavy contributions over the years from many experts, they become standards.

    why stick to a PMBOK or a PRINCE2? why not create your own framework, or better still go into a project with each member touting his own interpretation of how to conduct a project. simple mortals would answer that PMBOK and PRINCE2 are widely adopted, tested in various environments and continuously developed. it makes sense for any of us to use one of these ‘frameworks’ rather than design one from scratch.

    zachman might have been the earliest framework, but togaf is open and more flexible.

    common people go to a shop, buy a gold ornament. only idiots insists that every person should go to the mines, dig the ore, extract nuggets, purify the gold and learn smithery; and then design the ornament for their own purpose and satisfaction.

    common people go to a shop and buy a PC or a mac. only an imbecile will insist that every person design a microprocessor or at least, write their own operating systems prior to using the computer.

    common people go to doctors for an operation – but the truly intrepid fool without formal training in surgery will go to the supplies shop, get a scalpel and bandages.

    and oh, yes. macOS-x kernel is based on multiple *NIXes. even if the newbie follower claims that it is the ‘original’. even if the newbies eyesight stops at approximately 700 years ago…

    For many years of my life, (in fact for ALL of the years that I have been of age), I had been an ardent follower