The Muslim Bookstagram Awards 2022 season kicked off in September, and the judges have been hard at work going through...
Bismillah He was a leader, a father, an international da’ee, and the close friend of Allah ta’ala. Ibrahim alayhi salaam is mentioned 25 times in the...
Khutbah delivered earlier this month on how the reminder benefits the believer, as explained in the Qur’an. [audio:] Download
This is hilarious. Nevertheless, we all know the reward of being a parent and the struggles we have to go through, may Allah purify our intentions...
Alhamdulillahi rabb il-‘alamin, over the past few months, I have had the wonderful opportunity of studying the work of al-Imam ibn Hazm al-Andalusi (rahimahullah), entitled Kitab...
How does your masjid handle requests to announce programs? What if you’re hosting an event, how do you determine who you allow to market and who...
Here’s an exciting message from the organizers of the Journey of Faith Conference: After the thousands left the extravagant Metro Toronto Convention Centre and the weekend...
Welcome to the another edition of’s regular Islamic Art feature. If you want to see your work on MM, then either email us your images...
Bismillah While taking AlMaghrib Institute’s Uloomul Qur’an class (Sciences of the Qur’an) this past January, Shaykh Yasir Qadhi went on one of his famous tangents and...
Being the only Iranian on the staff, I am somehow automatically qualified to write about my essentially non-existent knowledge of Iranian politics, wa Allahu al-Musta’an. Those...
It is human nature that when we desire something, that when we are in need of something, we will constantly be thinking about that object of...