This Ramadan, MuslimMatters is pleased to host the Institute Of Knowledge‘s daily Ramadan series: Heart To Heart. Through this series,...
One wonders why only 20% of Americans believe President Barack Obama is a Muslim, considering the overwhelming evidence conclusively proving his slavish allegiance to Islam and...
** Announcement ** The Ramadan Poetry Contest closes at 1800 GMT TODAY (21st August, 2010 – 10th of Ramadan in many places!). Due to the overwhelming...
Guest author Nazeeha bint Renard shares with us the beautiful story of her journey to Islam. You can ask me what I had for dinner yesterday,...
Link to videos by clicking on button below (new videos will have this tag) The Ramadan Tafseer Series: Perfection? By Shaykh Abdul Nasir Jangda [youtube][/youtube]
August 18, 2010 (JTA) — Israel’s military is investigating an IDF officer and soldier suspected of selling goods they confiscated from the Gaza flotilla after the...
American support for Israel is waning, a poll presented to senior Israeli officials in Jerusalem last week revealed. The survey was carried out by pollster and...
Two Israeli groups have set up ‘Zionist editing’ courses with aims to alter perceptions about Israel. Photograph: David Silverman/Getty Images Since the earliest days of the...
The city of Gainesville has denied a burn permit to a church that plans to burn copies of Islam’s holy book on the anniversary of the...
Five-year-old Zaynab Khan stopped by the Islamic Relief USA office in Buena Park, CA to drop off a special gift for flood victims in Pakistan. Read...