As the month of Ramadan departs and leaves us, it is natural that we experience the post-Ramadan dip, as well...
At least 45 people have been killed and nearly 100 injured in a suicide bomb attack on a mosque in north-west Pakistan, local officials say. The...
Watch, cry and make du’a for our Shaykh and for our own improvement. If you are going to Hajj, please keep the Shaykh in your special...
Great news! The best ten days of the year are nearly here. It is expected that the month of Dhul-Hijjah may start on November 7th, insha’Allah....
Source: AlJazeera English “Every four years the US elects a new president. It is a process that is scrutinised the world over. But the democratic system...
[youtube][/youtube] Contains background music.
*After reading the article, make sure you vote in the polls (two open polls right now)* Also see: How to Score BIG with Women: a Psychological and Islamic approach...
In Br. Galloway’s incisive round up on l’affaire Williams, he posed the following: Here are two leading Muslim organizations MPAC’s and CAIR’s statements on the issue....
Reclaiming the Perceptions of Muslims: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 In two previous posts, I’ve explored the topic of improving...
Hilton Als, an African American writer, says our worldview and sense of “otherness” is created in our mother’s lap. Mother’s lap is protective and familiar. Leaving...
Prince Alwaleed has urged backers of the proposed Islamic center not to “agitate the wound” of 9/11 A Saudi prince who has aided the imam spearheading...