This is a continuation of a series on the structure and organization of the Quran. The goal is to help...
Psychology Meets Islam Haleh Banani will help you to heal, grow and prosper by combining the principles of psychology with the light of the Quran and...
Eid Mubarak to all my brothers and sisters around the world. May Allah accept from me and you. I hope you all had a very happy...
Yesterday, the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan reached another low in their targeting of civilian targets when they ambushed a school bus with heavy weaponry. This attack was claimed...
We came to the US to study, met our husbands in college, and got married. I wish that was all there was to our love stories...
SAVE THE DATE: September 24, 2011 TIME: 1:00-3:00PM LOCATION: Either Inside or Outside of MOCHA, 538 Ninth Street, Suite 210 Oakland, CA 94607 Despite our disappointment...
The new documentary, Fordson: Faith – Fasting – Football, is in theaters now through Thursday, September 15th. The film follows a predominately Arab-American high school...
The United for Change Conference took place on September 10th, at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in downtown, Washington, D.C. It brought together a...
by Imam Zaid In the last three months, drought has escalated to famine in East Africa. Crops and livestock are dying, and very little food is...
By Lee Weismann exclusive to MuslimMatters. Lee is a high school teacher in Irvine CA. He tweets inspirational words and reflections at JihadiJew and blogs here under...
Remembering 9/11 as a Muslim American by Amad Shaikh in AlJazeera While most Americans blamed the attacks on al-Qaeda, not Muslims in general, some commentators stoked...