A non-profit organization geared at helping the growing Latino Muslim community is fundraising for the foundation of a mosque in...
This special video installment of the MuslimMatters Ramadan Qur’an Journal series comes from Ustadha Samia Mubarak. Ustadha Samia shares powerful...
How It Changed Me By Hufsa Lodhi Shaking hands. Sweaty palms. Endless butterflies gnawing at your stomach. Defined as the typical feeling of nervousness, it has...
At least 15 people on the way to a wedding were killed by the United States Government in a horrific drone strike in Yemen, just two...
Post-Racial? Racism is a complicated issue. Racial prejudice has persisted in America despite the evolution of countervailing social norms that not only undermine the rationales that...
I’ve got three really good reasons why you shouldn’t give me any money, and one really bad one. But first, some background information. I’ve been leading...
By: Hina Khan The conversion ceremony was a very frigid one. I was looking for acceptance; they were looking for submission. In a room full of...
On a dark and stormy night in the dark cave of man’s mind, Shaitaan once lit a campfire and settled down to tell a story-. It...
by Ammar Alshukry Years ago I was walking down the street with a mentor of mine and he was discussing the importance of reading books. He...
Selling Bracelets for the Poor by Adeeba Allimulla A new craze with kids these days has craft stores scrambling to keep rubber bands stocked on their shelves....
The Prophet remarked: ‘The best of you is the one who learns the Qur’an and teaches it to others.’1 For Muslims, notwithstanding the sheer beauty of...
O Allah, none has the right to be worshipped except You alone. And, O Allah, I bear witness that Muhammad is Your servant and messenger! Perhaps it...