This is a continuation of a series on the structure and organization of the Quran. The goal is to help...
It was just over a decade ago that Iraqi cities were falling to the unholy assault led by foreign militias, vowing to overthrow the government and...
By Karimah Bint Dawoud- Muslim Chaplain & Clinical Nutritionist Welcome Ramadan Alḥamdulillāh, all praise is due to Allah the Creator of the heaven and earth and...
By Dawud Israel It will probably come as no surprise that there is a growing desire to improve the masjid experience in the West. Many speakers...
Everyone has vivid memories of enjoying their time at the masjid in Ramadan. It might be when we were kids, helping put a date and samosas on each...
Question: Dear MM, I have been suffering from same sex attraction. I am a male and I find myself easily attracted to men. Its not that...
“I died,” Hassan affirmed. “Kicked the bucket. The numbness disappeared and I felt as if I were lifted up, followed by a rushing sensation, like I...
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 The Secret Sauce of Successful People Ramadan is known for its ups and downs. Moonfighting arguments reach a fever pitch the...
Riots broke out in the coastal Sri Lankan town of Aluthgama yesterday in an escalation of Muslim targeted violence that many Sri Lankans fear would intensify...
All praises and thanks are due to Allāh, and may the blessings and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allāh, his family, his companions, and all...
crosspost from By Theresa Corbin After many years of studying religion and coming to the conclusion that Islam was the only religion that made sense...