This Ramadan, MuslimMatters reached out to our regular (and not-so-regular) crew of writers asking them to share their reflections on...
By L Amatullah Early modern interactions between Western Europe and the Ottomans were not only dynamic but a clarifying comment on an age in which...
It might feel like the right thing to do to call oppressed Black youth โthugs and riotersโ because of the open wrongs you see. It might...
A friend of mine had a child and named him the same name as mine. Sudanese tradition is that when a person names their child after...
As-salaamu alaykum, I would like to share with you one dua’a through a story which will cause a positive effect in your life starting from the...
The biggest challenge of parenting is to accept that we are facing a world very different from the one in which we grew up. This is...
The Word “Dhurriyyah” was mentioned 32 times in the Qur’an in 19 different surahs. This points to the significance of the word “Dhurriyyah,” which means offspring...
By Karim Serageldin When I was seven-years-old I used to attend a halaqa that focused on “the Islam of No’s”. One summer day upon entering class, my...
“None of us like judgmental people. But we are all, to a certain extent, judgmental people. After all, one must be judgmental to even judge others...
Pop psychology has this unique ability to take the worst of philosophical sophistry, combine it with the shoddiest research methods, and spit out ill-begotten, yet Scientific™,...
Reem Shaikh is a 17-year-old Muslimah from Houston. She finished memorizing Qur’an when she was seven and then traveled to Egypt to learn Arabic. She was...