A waitress in a small town diner encounters a Muslim family that rekindles her connection to faith and Ramadan.
Written by Safeer Raza and Mohammad Saad The West, as Hamid Dabashi says, stands morally bankrupt. Its politics, philosophy,...
Innovation isn’t something that most Muslim organisations are accused of lately. We tend to be behind the curve on most things, if we’re even on it...
Admit it. You’re bored by Islamic History. Sure, you might say that you find it fascinating, but the likelihood is that you are far more likely to...
By Furqan Shaikh In the current climate of political rhetoric against Islam and Muslims, it can be hard to remember that the United States has always...
Dear Aunty, The biggest mistake I have seen mothers make when it comes to their daughters who are looking to get married is that mothers unreasonably...
“Too much admiration breeds contempt. It is better, I think, to just be understood.” —the character Salima in His Other Wife by Umm Zakiyyah ~ “It’s...
By Dr Hatem Al Haj The issue of slavery may be of the hardest issues to discuss. Our collective conscience as a global community is extremely...
Back in the 1950s when Hitchcock released Psycho, the motion picture association sent the picture back. They couldn’t approve film because the of scene where, Norman the killer,...
By Fatima Barkatulla It was the day after the second Paris attack. Our local Muslim school sent parents a text-message telling them that security guards would...
The United States is one of few countries in the world that has testamentary free alienation of property. What this means is that you can...
By Hiba Akhtar Someone texted a friend of mine a few weeks ago looking for khutbah topics. “Flint,” she replied. It seemed obvious. We live in...