A waitress in a small town diner encounters a Muslim family that rekindles her connection to faith and Ramadan.
Dr. Jawad Khan and Omar Sabha, two medical professionals who recently returned from a relief mission to Gaza, speak to...
By Dr. Mohannad Hakeem Social media brings with it many complexities when it comes to interactions between people. Muslims are no exception, and the halal/haram set...
By Saba Malik About eight years ago, I attended a depression mastery seminar by a prominent Muslim shaykh. At the time, I was learning about Muslims...
After going through the MSA and being very active in planning events, I’ve noticed that there are certain things we should keep in mind when...
At the masjid on a recent Friday, they talked about priorities. The context of this khutba was that while plenty of Muslims manage to make time...
In our last Talk, we discussed a number of questions about Guidance Residentialโs Programs for home ownership in the United States. In our Talk today, we...
Life can be difficult, but it does not have to be impossible. Thoughtfulness can save lives, and it is time that the topic of suicide is...
Watch the video here: The Flint Coalition and the Flint Islamic Center with two other non-profits pooled their money to replace lead pipes with copper pipes.
Fadumo Ina Hassan Perpetual tragedy stems from disunity. Bad things happen, that is an inevitability. But you see, When bad things become commonplace that is result...
One of the factors that help bring crimes to justice is the time in which the investigators get a lead. Race and ethnicity are also significant...
The Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) recently updated its “Safe Spaces” program, which is a “toolkit” for Mosques in the United States to help prevent terrorism...