“Be mindful of Allah, and you will find Him in front of you. Recognize and acknowledge Allah in times of...
Hasan Minhaj’s comedy special on Netflix, Homecoming King, is simply amazing. His honesty, talent for telling stories and jokes, and integrity to himself create an important...
By Gulnaz Uighur My name is Gulnaz and I am a Uyghur Muslim. My place of birth is East Turkestan but the world knows it as...
By Sajda Khan Fourteen hundred years ago, amid a cradle of turmoil, in the scorching barren desert of Makkah, the last Prophet of Islam, Muhammad was...
I felt rather ambivalent about my first trip to Japan last summer. I was certainly ecstatic about the opportunity to visit the country for a research...
Is the view that only Christians can go to Heaven an expression of islamophobia? Or is it just a basic tenet of (many denominations of) Christianity?...
One of the primary objectives of Islam is the development, preservation, and equitable distribution of wealth in society, and Zakat is the main vehicle for social...
There has already been a mountain of information written about the devastating fire in a West London tower block. But, like the building itself, so much...
We are bombarded with news of destruction, famine, war and loss of lives. Each new day we hear stories about hypocrisy, deception and misguidance. We are...
As is often the case during regional conflicts, outside players with strong ties to the region, may feel compelled to toe the line to one of...
Way back in 2011 I was able to witness the memorization ceremony of a convert Muslimah, sister Julie. She had been Muslim for a few years...