The BBC show Panorama, through secret filming, has found that Shari’ah courts are not helping women in domestic violent situations. The Telegraph states: “85 councils operating...
Recently, the Muslim Inter-Scholastic Tournament (MIST) held regional competitions throughout North America.  MIST is “a fun, educational, interactive program of competitions and workshops geared towards bringing high...
The fact is that 93 percent of kids are online. Even if parents limit or ban internet access, kids have access at school, through a friend’s...
The ‘unmosqued’ discussion has spawned a host of conversations, coffee shop conversations, desi dinner party fodder, tweetable soundbites, virally shared facebook updates, and even a couple...
[section_title title=Part 1] This post is meant for the the Muslim communities in the West where Islamic Centers and Masajid are the hub of community activity....
A new and a very shocking video reveals the true color of anti-Muslim bigots. This video is a definite MUST WATCH. In his ever-devilish looks, master-bigot Daniel Pipes makes a short appearance...
The options to drive you away from the masjid are many, it’s simply a matter of picking your poison. Â I move around a lot and I’ve...
With age comes the stereotype that wisdom has been attained and that one’s intellectual capacity has reached its limit. Stereotypes like these cause us to...
by Imam Abu Laith Luqman Ahmad who blogs at Dear beloveds, you and I know that without a doubt, young black men are an endangered...
By: Suleman Ahmer Suleman Ahmer is MM newest specialist. He will be sharing articles on productivity and time management  for our readers. As founder of Timelenders, a productivity and...