Dear Muslim girls, especially you teenagers, I want to apologize to all of you on behalf of Muslim adults, Muslim parents and the Muslim community as...
Lecture by Shaykh Yasir Qadhi | Transcribed by Zara T. [The following is the video and transcript of Shaykh Yasir Qadhi’s khutbah “Making Families Work.” The transcript includes slight...
Charity Week 2012 is over now. The last cake has been baked and sold. The last poster taken down. The last penny counted. At...
On Attraction from a Unmarried Perspective “If a man wants to betroth a woman, he can look at what entices him to accomplish his marriage.” [Reported...
Disclaimer- this post is meant for a mature audience only as it contains sexually explicit material. Many men and women in our communities live under the...
Mohamed Elibiary is a national security expert advising the homeland security enterprise and Texas-based Muslim community leader. With more than a week past the Boston Bombings,...
The BBC show Panorama, through secret filming, has found that Shari’ah courts are not helping women in domestic violent situations. The Telegraph states: “85 councils operating...
Recently, the Muslim Inter-Scholastic Tournament (MIST) held regional competitions throughout North America. MIST is “a fun, educational, interactive program of competitions and workshops geared towards bringing high...
The fact is that 93 percent of kids are online. Even if parents limit or ban internet access, kids have access at school, through a friend’s...
The ‘unmosqued’ discussion has spawned a host of conversations, coffee shop conversations, desi dinner party fodder, tweetable soundbites, virally shared facebook updates, and even a couple...