I was travelling from upstate New York to Long Island when I heard about the London bombings. At the time, the news didn’t mean anything. I...
http://tiny.cc/IsraelAdmitit (this takes you to the REAL google site. If it doesn’t work, click here. You can type Israel Admits yourself too in google).  Courtesy...
As it retreats into greater indifference toward global opinion, Israel has come to rely on cynical appeals to American technophiles and evangelical Christians. Spencer Ackerman on...
Glenn Greenwald sheds light on the peculiar style of coverage main stream western media adopted as the tragic events of the Freedome Flotilla unfolded: It was...
Florida Muslim radio-host debates the Israeli Consul General. Full of important talking points to refute the Israeli Spin. The new hasbara buzzwords: “lynch-mob” and “Armada of...
Remember how the celebration of a few Palestinians on 9/11 was flashed around the world to dehumanize them. Why isn’t this video that shows Israelis demonstrating...
DIGG | REDDIT Update (1) on 6/2/10 3AM EST on Israel’s charge that Turkey’s support for the flotilla is due to Turkey’s move from secularism to...
Muslim Matters’ Statement: For those who were following the  flotilla of ships carrying aid for besieged Palestinians in Gaza, the events unfolding last night were horrifying...
Secret papers have recently been declassified that prove Israel offered to sell nuclear weapons to apartheid-era South Africa. Three key points that make this story especially...
The issue surrounding the validity of voting from an Islamic, and even secular, position will always be debated. However, with the UK General Elections being held...