Written by Nihal Khan Workshops, Basketball, Nasheeds, Skits, Lectures, Bazaar, and much more! This year’s ICNA-MAS Convention was great! The speakers were of course very motivational...
I’ve been invited to be a panelist at a Radical Middle Way event tonight. The subject up for discussion is Islam and the Internet… so at...
MSA West Conference: University of California – Riverside – April 10-12th – “Change, that’s real” Do you feel pain when you see our sisters and brothers...
For those in the Northeast, a massive treat is coming your way in the form of the MSA’s East Zone Conference, being held at the University...
ABOVE $153,000 collected! AlMaghrib Institute, the largest Islamic institute in North America, is stepping up to the plate with an online fundraiser with Islamic Relief. Shaykh...
Innalhamdolillah. Audhobilaahi minash-shaytanir-rajeem, wa min shururi anfusina, wa min sayyiaati a’maalina. Bismillah. [by abu abdAllah at TDC.ย For the next few months, I am taking a...
Greetings of salam from Houston, Texas, where the Texas Dawah’s eight and allegedly “final” convention is in full swing. Since my post is going to drag...
One of the highlights of attending this year’s Global Peace and Unity event, was to finally meet two of the MM shuyukh in person: Yasir Qadhi...
So, my family spent the day of Eid at Six Flags NJ with Shaykh Yasir Qadhi & family, and oh about 8000 Muslims. A few thoughts...
Assalaamu Alaikum, My dear brothers and sisters in Islam! The blessed and holy month of Ramadhan is winding to a close; we pray that Allah accepts...