How can we accept a world where an iguana has more rights than human beings? Listen to Moazzam Begg speak...
I coordinate an “Islam 101” class at my masjid. Most of our students are Muslims who recently converted. Although we teach them aqeedah and basic aspects...
Indecision 2008 – Muslim Edition : Musings on the Republican Debate 2007 (by Hassan Mushtaq) Cross-posted on Please visit & comment to support. Click here....
This heart-warming movie was played at Texas Dawah. It is an excellent production by a group of young brothers in Houston’s Southeast area (the youth group...
Previous: The Big Questions Part I – On Atheism, God & More… The Big Questions, Part II—The Purpose of Life by Dr. Laurence Brown (reproduced with...
This entry has been cross-posted at Please drop a visit there and comment. In October 2000, I was attending jumuah prayer in a Philadelphia mosque,...
Some of the brothers here in Melbourne, Australia have just recorded their first nasheed CD and have produced a nice video clip of one of the...
Updates: (1) Hat-tip to Umm Zaid for pointing to this article in NY Times, and the news that Abdullah Gul has stepped aside under undemocratic pressure...
The following lecture was given by Shaykh Yasir Qadhi recently in London… the message is relevant and important for all Muslims in the West to pay...
Indecision 2008 – Muslim Edition (by Hassan Mushtaq) The Democrats had their first primary debate last Thursday (4/26/07), making it the earliest Presidential contest debate ever....
Quotes & Stories– a new category to capture quotes and short stories of incidents that are just so worth capturing. If you have any, post them...