Five Islamic thinkers weigh in on Jordan Peterson's recent video message to Muslims, calling it patronizing and tone-deaf.
Prayer. As-Salaah. Five times a day, every day, we purify our bodies and prepare our souls with wudhu, the ritual ablution, that we may stand...
Br. Kashif alerted us to the following post with regards to the possible use of chemical weapons in the Lal Masjid massacre: “Teeth Maestro in a...
Also See: Stories and Tips About Porn Addition As we continue discussing issues related to Muslims and problems related to sexual perversity, I felt that this...
Alhamdulillah AlMaghrib is growing and has added on a new instructor who is not unknown to many of us, Ustadh Suhaib Webb. He also has his...
This is Part 1 of 2 on Qiyaam al-Layl. Part 2 can be found here. All Praise is due to Allah, Who has made Salah a...
In my last post, I discussed sex ed. as it relates to children. As I started doing some background research for Part II of this article...
by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah As people are content with the world, so you should be content with Allah. As they are delighted by the world, so...
When I was 12 or so my best friend and I spent hours looking for hidden meanings in the lyrics of Beatles songs. We played in...
There has been a cross-cultural migration of sorts in the past few years. The first is the migration of Muslim youth towards hip hop (aka the...
Update: Preliminary results added below. Dr. Ali Shehata has a survey online regarding Muslim attitudes in the West. Many non-Muslims are making dangerous conclusions about Muslim...